Ever struggled with structuring a model that is composed of a variety of different geometries and attributes that somehow still belong together ? You usually end up with spaghetti code inside Grasshopper and go for a coffee break when you change an input parameter ?
Then it’s time to consider following a different modelling approach ! We want to share our best practices, acquired in 15 years of daily business and pioneering in defining parametric models with you and are excited about your approaches ! In a nutshell this is what you can expect from D2P Components:
There are two ways to install the plugin to your Rhino environment. Either by installing an existing release from either food4rhino or the package manager (user scenario) or by cloning this repository to your local machine, compiling it from scratch and making use of the debugging utilities (developer scenario).
You can install the plugin directly inside Rhino by the package server. Search for d2p-components
and install the latest version.
You can install the plugin via Food4Rhino which is linked to McNeel's public package server https://www.food4rhino.com/en/app/d2p-components
Please checkout the Getting Involved section and follow the instructions for more informations about how to get started
In order to either get involved into the development of this project or just for the instructions of how to setup the development environment please follow our CONTRIBUTION (WIP) Guideline