destination-earth / DestinE_ESA_GFTS

Global Fish Tracking Service - DestinE DESP Use Case
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 5 forks source link
destine esa fish pangeo

Global Fish Tracking Service (GFTS)

A Destination Earth Platform use case.

GFTS Jupyter book

GFTS Jupyter Hub

The GFTS in a nutshell

The lack of accurate modelling of fish movement, migration strategies, and site fidelity is a major challenge for policy-makers when they need to formulate effective conservation policies. By relying on the Pangeo infrastructure on the DestinatE Platform, the Use Case aims to predict the sea bass behavior and develop a Decision Support Tool (DST) for “what-if” scenario planning. As a result, the Use Case will help to obtain accurate insights into fish populations by introducing the Global Fish Tracking System (GFTS) and a Decision Support Tool into the DestinE Platform.



Contributions are always welcome!

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Code of Conduct

DestinE open source community abide to this Code of Conduct## Deployment of GFTS Hub on the cloud

Instructions on how to build and deploy GFTS hub are described in ./gfts-track-reconstruction/jupyterhub/

The current Jupyterhub deployment is done on OVH cloud operator.


Documentation can be viewed at



If you have any feedback, please reach out to us by filling an issue.

Run Locally

Clone the github repository

To get a local copy of the GFTS repository, you can clone it on your local computer and/or server:

git clone

Install and run DestinE_ESA_GFTS jupyter notebooks locally from source

Jupyter notebooks to showcase GFTS are in the docs folder and can be run after installing Python and the required packages listed in the .binder/environment.yml file.

Install Python

To install Python, we recommend to install conda or miniconda and then create a new conda environment using .binder/environment.yml:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Do not forget to switch to the gfts conda environment prior to executing any Jupyter notebooks or programs from the GFTS repository.

conda activate gfts

To deactivate the gfts environment:

conda deactivate

Start JupyerLab and run the Jupyter notebooks

Once all the required packages are installed, you can start JupyterLab and run the jupyter notebooks from the docs folder:

jupyter lab

Install and run DestinE_ESA_GFTS with containers

Before building the GFTS docker image, you would need to install docker.

Build docker container

Make sure you change directory to gfts-track-reconstruction/jupyterhub/images/user before executing the command below:

docker build -t gfts:latest .

Run GFTS from docker

docker run -p 7777:8888 -i -t gfts:latest jupyter lab --ip= --no-browser

Open your web browser and enter the following command:

Then you need to enter your token: it can be found at the bottom of the printout you got after running the docker run command given above.


For support, please create a Github issue.

Used By

This project is used by the following companies:

🛠 Skills

Python, Jupyter Notebooks.