desultory / ugrd

A minimalistic initramfs generator, designed for FDE
GNU General Public License v2.0
37 stars 13 forks source link
boot dracut gentoo gpg initramfs initramfs-generator linux luks-encryption python toml yubikey

tests PyCPIO Zenlib Black


Microgram Ramdisk is a framework used to generate ramdisks using TOML definitions and python functions


µgRD is designed to generate a custom initramfs environment to boot the system that built it.

Generated images are as static and secure as possible, only including components and features required to mount the root and switch to it.

µgRD itself is written in pure Python, and uses the pycpio library to generate the CPIO archive.

The final build environment is left in the specified build_dir, where it can be examined or repacked.

Unless validation is disabled, µgRD attemts to validate most configuration against the host system, raising exceptions or logging warnings warnings if the configuration is invalid.

Project goal and features

The original goal of this project was to create an initramfs suitable for decrypting a LUKS root filesystem with a smartcard, with enough config validation to prevent the user from being left in a broken pre-boot environment.



Example config and features

Other info


µgRD is designed to be as portable as possible, but has only been tested on a limited number of systems.

Operating systems

µgRD was designed to work with Gentoo, but has been tested on:


If userspace tools are not required to mount a the root filesystem, µgRD can be used with any filesystem supported by the kernel.

The following root filesystems have been tested:

The root mount can automatically be mounted under an overlay filesystem by using the ugrd.fs.overlayfs module.

Additionally, the following filesystems have been tested for non-root mounts:

If the required kernel module is not built into the kernel, and the filesystem is not listed above, the kernel module may need to be included in kmod_init.

The example config has kmod_autodetect_lsmod enabled which should automatically pull in the required modules, unless the active kernel differs from the build kernel.


µgRD is primarily designed and tested against x86_64, but has been tested on arm64.


Additional documentation can be found in the docs directory.