det-lab / kaitai_struct_awkward_runtime

Kaitai Struct: runtime for Awkward Arrays
MIT License
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Kaitai Struct: runtime library for Awkward

This library building Awkward Arrays using Kaitai Struct API for Awkward using C++/STL.


1. Write a .ksy file for your custom file format. Refer to the Kaitai User Guide for more details.

Here, we take an example of animal.ksy

  id: animal
  endian: le
  license: CC0-1.0
  ks-version: 0.8

  - id: entry
    type: animal_entry
    repeat: eos

      - id: str_len
        type: u1

      - id: species
        type: str
        size: str_len
        encoding: UTF-8

      - id: age
        type: u1

      - id: weight
        type: u2

2. Clone kaitai_struct_awkward_runtime repository:

git clone --recursive
cd kaitai_struct_awkward_runtime
git checkout ManasviGoyal/test

3. Update submodule and compile scala code (only the first time)

git submodule update --init
cd kaitai_struct_compiler
sbt package
cd ../
chmod u+x kaitai-struct-compiler

4. Generate the source and header files for Awkward target

./kaitai-struct-compiler -t awkward --outdir src-animal example_data/schemas/animal.ksy

5. Install the library

pip install awkward-kaitai

6. Build awkward-kaitai by passing the path of the main .cpp from the generated code.

If python gives a warning about the installation not being on the path, in order to get the file to build you may need to run:

echo "export PATH=$PATH:/whatever/path/python/says" >> ~/.bashrc
awkward-kaitai-build src-animal/animal.cpp -b build


awkward-kaitai-build [-h] [-d DEST] [-b BUILD] file


  • -h, --help: shows help message
  • -d DEST, --dest DEST: explicitly specify a destination for the build shared library.
  • -b BUILD, --build BUILD: explicitly specify a build location.

7. Open python and print the returned ak.Array:

import awkward_kaitai

animal = awkward_kaitai.Reader("./src-animal/") # pass the path of the shared file
awkward_array = animal.load("example_data/data/animal.raw")



[{'animalA__Zentry': [{'animal_entryA__Zstr_len': 3, 'animal_entryA__Zspecies': 'cat', 'animal_entryA__Zage': 5, 'animal_entryA__Zweight': 12}, {'animal_entryA__Zstr_len': 3, 'animal_entryA__Zspecies': 'dog', 'animal_entryA__Zage': 3, 'animal_entryA__Zweight': 43}, {'animal_entryA__Zstr_len': 6, 'animal_entryA__Zspecies': 'turtle', 'animal_entryA__Zage': 10, 'animal_entryA__Zweight': 5}]}]

Related Papers and Talks

  1. Describe Data to get Science-Data-Ready Tooling: Awkward as a Target for Kaitai Struct YAML, Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques for Physics Research Workshop 2024, New York, US.
  2. Awkward Target for Kaitai Struct, PyHEP Users Workshop 2023.