dev-bootcamp-2019 / final-project-shashik239

final-project-shashik239 created by GitHub Classroom
GNU General Public License v3.0
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  1. Features
  2. Setup
  3. Interaction
  4. Implementation
  5. Tests
  6. Design Pattern Desicions
  7. Avoiding Common Attacks
  8. Library/Contracts Imported
  9. Rinkeby Test Network, IPFS and ENS
  10. Contact

A Decentralized Application for Bounty Creator and Hunters

1. Features

The application lets any user create a bounty with a reward or submit a solution for an open bounty. It has the following features:

2. Setup

To run the application locally, follow the steps,

Clone the repo

git clone

Install the packages required

npm install

Start ganache-cli on port 8545


Make sure you have Metamask installed and import the accounts provided by ganache-cli by importing with the seed phrase

Compile and deploy the smart contracts

truffle compile

truffle migrate --reset

Run the script to serve the application on port 3000

npm run start

The DApp is also deployed on the Rinkeyby Test Network, and static assets hosted on IPFS and can be accessed via ENS. All details regarding this can be found here Rinkeby Test Network, IPFS and ENS.

3. Interaction

4. Implementation

5. Tests

To run the tests, run the following command

truffle test

The Test cases and their explanations can be found here tests

6. Design Pattern Desicions

For all the design pattern desicions, please see design pattern desicions

7. Avoiding Common Attacks

For the steps taken to avoid known common attacks, please see avoiding common attacks

8. Library/Contracts Imported

9. Rinkeby Test Network, IPFS and ENS