dev-xiligroup / xili-language-plugin

multilingual plugin for WordPress
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multilingual plugin for WordPress since 2009.

The first wp plugin based on custom taxonomy introduced in WP 2.3 (here named language).

This version 2.23+ contains new features to describe and use languages. Language is now an object (defined in class Xili-Language-Term ) containing all properties of a language as native name or ISO series and more and more (*).

As projected from the beginning (2009), it is now possible to assign multiple languages to an article or a page. Very useful when making a documentary website with articles containing quotes in another language. xili-language is the only one to offer this feature!

Basically, xili-language use ISO / WP locale (as fr_FR ou en_US) as slug in links and queries. xili-language is the only one to offer alias feature and you can create your alias per language.

Gutenberg introduced considerable upheaval in WP 5+. It was necessary to wait for the version 5.1+ to regain stability and consider updating the plugins. Now, with Classic Editor, you will find the same comfort of use as before.

The readme file is now one of the files of plugin opened for GitHub contributors to improve this content in english. When displayed, in WordPress repository, the text is divided in tabs.

The other files are available for comments or fixes. Only the version in WordPress xili-language repository is for use with previous features.

Latest notes

20200804 - First tests with WP 5.5RC1

XILI-LANGUAGE 2.23.14 shows good return from tests with WP 5.5RC1 - both in classic or block editing…

20190430 - Customizer, in admin side, to work well, needs two settings :

  1. the language in general settings must be “english” core wp language
  2. you can change admin side language in top right menu of dashboard screen. ( if not pomo script gives fatal error and customizer shows blank screen )

Master Branch

Since 2019-05-10, master branch contains dev version 2.23.x +. Contains latest dev with rewritten sources code with WP Coding Standards.


pre-tested with WP 5.2

Since 2016-12-14, master branch contains dev version 2.22.1+ with some futures new features and fixes for WP 4.6 to now (April 2018) WP 4.9.5.

before-rw branch

2019-05-08 - This branch contains the source code before rewriting in Master Branch with WP Coding Standards and Php Code Sniffer (< 2.23)

Gutenberg - need latest version

Since Gutenberg 2.7 (April 18th 2018), the (private) taxonomy language metabox on right side of post edit remains hidden as expected. The big metabox (translations) from xili-language is now well displayed.

Taxonomy language

Language taxonomy settings are saved in term metas ( need WP 4.4 ) and a new "language" object (*) is created to contain all language features. This new “language” description allows now to use (option) several languages per post around a main language.


(*) thanks to JetPack to maintain a locale.php file with a huge list of languages of the world.

Preliminary infos:

  1. This readme.txt follow the rules of developers described here
  2. Do not forgot to validate the text before commit.

Thanks for your contribution.
