Closed infourbonsnet closed 1 year ago
that doesnt look like an official switchbot
the name TY leads me to believe it is a TUYA device
are u sure you have a switchbot and not a fingerbot, which are different products made by different companies
Well, it's not an offial switchbot. I've actually not been aware that compatibility is limited to those devices. But if that's the case - understood. Do you have any advice how to make a Tuya Finger Bot accessible through MQTT?
Thanks anyway!
I have configured 1 switchbot device. Device is found during initial scan, but scan is continued afterwards forever. Here is the output from 2 scan cycles:
Through adding additional traces I have identified the highlighted branch being responsible for continued scan:
At this point, "aValueString" seems to represent: aValueString = advertisedDevice->getManufacturerData();
Acc. to the debug output, it is actually not empty.
Any advice is very welcome.