devWaves / SwitchBot-MQTT-BLE-ESP32

Allows for multiple SwitchBot bots and curtains to be controlled via MQTT sent to ESP32. ESP32 will send BLE commands to switchbots and return MQTT responses to the broker. Also supports Temperature, Motion, Contact sensors
MIT License
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Speed of Bot and esp32 #26

Closed spartandrew18 closed 2 years ago

spartandrew18 commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to increase at which the bot responds to the esp32? With the app and phone it's pretty fast but with home assistant, there is a couple of seconds delay. Is there somewhere in the code I could modify the time it takes? Thank you!

devWaves commented 2 years ago

it all depends on the bluetooth signal between the bot and the esp32. the esp32 should be close to the bot if you want it to work instantly

what is the rssi value you get in the attributes?

my main bot is very close to the esp32 and it works basically instantly

spartandrew18 commented 2 years ago

Yes, my bot and the esp 32 are right next to my room in the bathroom. It is not as fast as the app. How do I find the RSSI value?

devWaves commented 2 years ago

it is published in mqtt attributes for the device. <ESPMQTTTopic>/bot/<name>/attributes

main github page has that info

it may depend on the esp32. I can say that mine work almost instantly. there are some very minor delays in the code for stability, but if you are experiencing seconds delays it means it is just taking a long time to connect

where are you standing when using the app? I just tried with the app (using an S9 samsung) while standing in my dining room, bot in the kitchen, it did 3/4 of a its not instant with the app for me

spartandrew18 commented 2 years ago


I am in home assistant. Do I run something here to listen to the device?

devWaves commented 2 years ago

are u using MQTT discovery? if so open the device. it will be listed as LinkQuality

spartandrew18 commented 2 years ago


Just this. I don't quite understand most of this stuff honestly. I just followed your guide to upload the software from Arduino IDE and ran the program.

devWaves commented 2 years ago

in HA main dashboard, go to Configurations, then devices. The switchbot device will be listed if you are using mqtt discovery

open that and you should see LinkQuality with an rssi number.

I cant send screenshots atm

edit: from the screenshot u sent go to devices at the top

spartandrew18 commented 2 years ago

The device is not here. I only have an entity for the device. Am I supposed to do something in the config.yaml folders?

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devWaves commented 2 years ago

you should have to do zero config changes in HA. no yaml files to create/edit when using mqtt discovery. the devices automatically show up

rebooting the esp32 resends the data for HA to automatically find it

devWaves commented 2 years ago

Did you manually create that device? that must be one of the other switchbot integrations? I am assuming you tried to get those working. Are you sure you are even calling the esp32?

These are the HA steps to follow (if you setup the ESP32 correctly)

switchbot1 switchbot2

now reboot the esp32. you should see the LED on the esp32 turn on for a bit, then turn off. Once it is off you should now see your switchbot devices in HA

switchbot3 switchbot4

spartandrew18 commented 2 years ago

So I just reset my whole home assistant. This is my flashed setup in IDE. Is this setup correctly for the esp32?



/ Wifi Settings / static const char host = "esp32switchbothub"; // Unique name for ESP32. The name detected by your router and MQTT. If you are using more then 1 ESPs to control different switchbots be sure to use unique hostnames. Host is the MQTT Client name and is used in MQTT topics static const char ssid = "Anderson 2.4G"; // WIFI SSID static const char* password = "mypassword"; // WIFI Password

/ MQTT Settings / / MQTT Client name is set to WIFI host from Wifi Settings/ static const char mqtt_host = ""; // MQTT Broker server ip static const char mqtt_user = "mqtt"; // MQTT Broker username. If empty or NULL, no authentication will be used static const char* mqtt_pass = "mqtt"; // MQTT Broker password static const int mqtt_port = 1883; // MQTT Port static std::string mqtt_main_topic = "switchbot"; // MQTT main topic

/ Switchbot Bot Settings / static std::map<std::string, std::string> allBots = { /{ "switchbotone", "d3:15:04:54:18:c0" }, { "switchbottwo", "yY:yY:yY:yY:yY:yY" }/ };

/ Home Assistant Settings / static bool home_assistant_mqtt_discovery = true; // Enable to publish Home Assistant MQTT Discovery config static std::string home_assistant_mqtt_prefix = "homeassistant"; // MQTT Home Assistant prefix static bool home_assistant_expose_seperate_curtain_position = true; // When enabled, a seperate sensor will be added that will expose the curtain position. This is useful when using the Prometheus integration to graph curtain positions. The cover entity doesn't expose the position for Prometheus static bool home_assistant_use_opt_mode = true; // For bots in switch mode assume on/off right away. Optimistic mode. (Icon will change in HA). If devices were already configured in HA, you need to delete them and reboot esp32

I am not seeing any autodiscovery happening in mosquitto broker.

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devWaves commented 2 years ago

you have a typo here.....

/* Switchbot Bot Settings /
static std::map<std::string, std::string> allBots = {
/{ "switchbotone", "d3:15:04:54:18:c0" },
{ "switchbottwo", "yY:yY:yY:yY:yY:yY" }*/

should be this

/* Switchbot Bot Settings */
static std::map<std::string, std::string> allBots = {
{ "switchbotone", "d3:15:04:54:18:c0" }

by default, inside the bot list is commented out. you need to uncommented for the devices you are using.

also don't use optimistic mode. Standard is better.

home_assistant_use_opt_mode, leave the default before auto discovering devices in HA

spartandrew18 commented 2 years ago


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The RSSI value kinda bad would you say?

devWaves commented 2 years ago


-72 will work fine, but ya it could be better. My printer switchbot is between 70-80. It works fine but can take a bit. My coffee switchbot is in the 50s

if you can get a signal in the 50s or below then its basically instantaneous

they do make esp32s with external antennas also