devamitkumartiwari / devicesafetyinfo

MIT License
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device_safety_info (Null-Safety)

Flutter JailBreak, Rooted, Emulator/Simulator, External storage and Screen Lock detection.

Getting Started

In your flutter project add the dependency:


  device_safety_info: ^0.0.8


Importing package

import 'package:devicesafetyinfo/device_safety_info.dart';

Using it

Checks whether device JailBroken or Rooted on iOS/Android?

bool isRootedDevice = await DeviceSafetyInfo.isRootedDevice;

Checks whether device is Real or Emulator/Simulator

bool isRealDevice = await DeviceSafetyInfo.isRealDevice;

Checks whether screen lock enabled or disabled

bool isScreenLock = await DeviceSafetyInfo.isScreenLock;

Checks whether application is running on external storage (Android Only)

bool isExternalStorage = await DeviceSafetyInfo.isExternalStorage;

Checks whether development Options is enable on device (Android Only)

bool isDeveloperMode = await DeviceSafetyInfo.isDeveloperMode;

Checks VPN status on device For checking VPN status device must need to connected with the internet For android need to declare permission inside the manifest file

final vpnCheck = VPNCheck();

vpnCheck.vpnState.listen((state) {
      if (state == VPNState.CONNECTED) {
        if (kDebugMode) {
          print("VPN connected.");
      } else {
        if (kDebugMode) {
          print("VPN disconnected.");

Checks if new version available For checking app new version device must need to connected with the internet. For android need to declare permission inside the manifest file


final newVersion = NewVersionChecker(
      iOSId: '',
      androidId: '',


statusCheck(NewVersionChecker newVersion) async {
    try {
      final status = await newVersion.getVersionStatus();

      if (status != null) {

        if (status.canUpdate) {
         // new version available
    } catch (e) {
      if (kDebugMode) {