devanshdhrafani / diff_drive_bot

ROS package for implementing slam_gmapping and ROS navigation stack on a custom 2 Wheeled Differential Drive robot.
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Scan Matching Failed, using odometry #2

Open pranav-ravuri opened 3 years ago

pranav-ravuri commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am new to ROS so this might be a small issue. I followed your instructions on running your code, but it sees like I am getting an error in odometry. I am getting the following error when I am launching the gmapping launch file and move the robot using teleop keyboard. I can only see the robot moving in RViz correctly but the map is not being generated.

Scan Matching Failed, using odometry. Likelihood=0 lp:-5.23433 3.03561 2.36259 op:-5.55515 3.41028 2.32294 Scan Matching Failed, using odometry. Likelihood=0 lp:-5.23433 3.03561 2.36259 op:-5.55515 3.41028 2.32294 Scan Matching Failed, using odometry. Likelihood=0 lp:-5.23433 3.03561 2.36259 op:-5.55515 3.41028 2.32294

For context I am using Linux, Ubuntu 18.04 in VMware workstation ROS version - Melodic

I got the following warnings when I launched gazebo

[ WARN] [1619782997.277450972, 0.001000000]: DiffDrive(ns = //): missing <rosDebugLevel> default is na [ INFO] [1619782997.278184061, 0.001000000]: DiffDrive(ns = //): <tf_prefix> = [ WARN] [1619782997.278362064, 0.001000000]: DiffDrive(ns = //): missing <publishWheelTF> default is false [ WARN] [1619782997.278543640, 0.001000000]: DiffDrive(ns = //): missing <publishOdomTF> default is true [ WARN] [1619782997.278720111, 0.001000000]: DiffDrive(ns = //): missing <publishWheelJointState> default is false [ WARN] [1619782997.278876191, 0.001000000]: DiffDrive(ns = //): missing <wheelAcceleration> default is 0 [ WARN] [1619782997.278982939, 0.001000000]: DiffDrive(ns = //): missing <wheelTorque> default is 5 [ WARN] [1619782997.279142032, 0.001000000]: DiffDrive(ns = //): missing <odometrySource> default is 1 [ WARN] [1619782997.279290997, 0.001000000]: GazeboRosDiffDrive Plugin (ns = ) missing <publishTf>, defaults to 1 and the following waring when I launched gmapping

[ WARN] [1619784434.386338514]: The root link chassis has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF.

I did not get any warnings when I launched the teleop

I have made sure that I sourced the workspace before running the launch file.

devanshdhrafani commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thanks for reaching out! I think the error might be with TF transforms. After launching gmapping and teleop, can you run

$ rosrun tf view_frames

and share the TF transforms PDF here?

pranav-ravuri commented 3 years ago

Hi, sorry I did not see your message, I ran the line you said Untitled

miropipa commented 3 years ago

I face the same issue as well, has this problem been resolved?

onurcankaraca commented 2 years ago

Hey did you solve the problem? I have the same issue