This ROS package implements SLAM on a 2 wheeled differential drive robot to map an unknown environment. A joystick is used to teleoperate the robot in Gazebo. The map generated is then used for autonomous navigation using the ROS Navigation stack.
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-dwa-local-planner
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-joy
The package uses slam_gmapping to map the environment. For the purpose of this demonstration, we use the Gazebo simulation environment to move around the robot.
. To continue with default model:
$ roslaunch diff_drive_bot gazebo.launch
$ roslaunch diff_drive_bot gmapping.launch
$ roslaunch diff_drive_bot joy_teleop_launch.launch
OR teleop using keyboard:
$ rosrun diff_drive_bot
$ rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/test_map
directory and edit the .yaml file to match the path. This package uses the ROS Navigation stack to autonomously navigate through the map created using gmapping.
and add map .yaml location and name to map_server node launch.$ roslaunch diff_drive_bot gazebo.launch
$ roslaunch diff_drive_bot amcl_move_base.launch
To make it easier to map environments, I added a joystick_teleop node to control the robot movement using my xbox controller. If you are using some other controller, you can easily map your buttons:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-joy
$ ls /dev/input/
and edit the dev parameter value to /dev/input/jsX
script in the /scripts/
function.$ roslaunch diff_drive_robot joy_teleop_launch.launch
script with your respective axes.