This repository contains the Pytorch implementation of the proposed method Self-Supervised Generative Style Transfer for One-Shot Medical ImageSegmentation , which has been recently accepted at WACV 2022.
We prefer to have a separate anaconda environment and the following packages to be installed.
Python == 3.7
tensorflow-mkl == 1.15
pytorch == 1.6.0
torchvision == 0.7.0
pytorch-msssim == 0.2.1
medpy == 0.4.0
rasterfairy == 1.0.6
The implementaion of our method is available in the folder OURS.
Train FlowModel without Appearance Model.
python --ngpus 1 --batch_size 4 --checkpoints_dir_pretrained ./candi_checkpoints_pretrained --dataroot ../CANDIShare_clean_gz --train_mode ae --nepochs 10
Train StyleEncoder
python --ngpus 1 --batch_size 16 --checkpoints_dir_pretrained ./candi_checkpoints_pretrained --dataroot ../CANDIShare_clean_gz --train_mode style_moco --nepochs 10
Train Appearance Model
python --ngpus 1 --batch_size 1 --checkpoints_dir_pretrained ./candi_checkpoints_pretrained --dataroot ../CANDIShare_clean_gz --train_mode appearance_only --nepochs 10
Train Adversarial Autoencoder Flow
python --ngpus 1 --batch_size 2 --checkpoints_dir_pretrained ./candi_checkpoints_pretrained --train_mode aae --nepochs 100
Train End to End
python --ngpus 1 --batch_size 1 --checkpoints_dir ./candi_checkpoints --checkpoints_dir_pretrained ./candi_checkpoints_pretrained --dataroot ../CANDIShare_clean_gz --train_mode end_to_end --nepochs 10
For training on OASIS dataset, please change the --dataroot
argument to OASIS_clean
and --nepochs 1
First train Unet based flow model by running 1. from Train Modes. This will be used to generate images of same styles for training the style encoder.
Pre-train style-encoder by running 2. from Train Modes. This will pre-train our style encoder using volumetric contrastive loss.
Train end-to-end by running 5. from Train Modes. This will train Appearance Model
, Style Encoder
and Flow Model
end to end using pre-trained Style Encoder
. set --use_pretrain
to False
for training Style Encoder
from scratch.
Generate Flow Fields in the folder ../FlowFields
using trained end-to-end model by running the following command:
Train Flow Adversarial Autoencoder by running 4. from Train Modes.
Generate image segmentation pairs using python
Train 3D Unet on the generated image segmentation dataset using the code provided in folder UNET
and the following command:
python --exp <NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT> --dataset_name CANDI_generated --dataset_path <PATH TO GENERATED DATASET>
All evaluation scripts used to generate plots and compute dice score are included in the folder evaluations. To run a particular evaluation, run the following command provinding corresponding opt
from the file
python <opt>
All pre trained models and datasets can be obtained from here. Please unzip the trained models inside the directory submission_id_675/code/OURS
You can find the Self-Supervised Generative Style Transfer for One-Shot Medical Image Segmentation paper at
If you find this work useful, please cite the paper:
title={Self-Supervised Generative Style Transfer for One-Shot Medical Image Segmentation},
author={Devavrat Tomar and Behzad Bozorgtabar and Manana Lortkipanidze and Guillaume Vray and Mohammad Saeed Rad and Jean-Philippe Thiran},
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.