devbridge / test-juggler

E2E test automation framework by Devbridge
MIT License
10 stars 6 forks source link



What is this repository for?

How do I get set up?

  1. Go to existing node project where you want to install test-juggler. In case of having tests in separate project, go to empty folder and run "npm init --yes", to create new project.
  2. Run "npm install test-juggler"
  3. Run "npx jest" to run example tests.
  4. For installing framework without copying examples (i.e. for continuous integration), set environment variable "DO_NOT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES = true" before installing.

Default Timeout

Performance Tracing

Screenshot Capturing

Visual regression functionality

Retrying actions

Waiting for full page load

Intercept requests

API testing

Enable console logs

Parallel execution

Junit report

Running tests sequentially

Run tests in different projects

There is possibility to add several Jest projects (Official Jest documentation). In case there is need to have E2E tests and Unit tests in one solution, or one project to run tests sequentially and another project to run tests in parallel. This can be helpful for setuping CI/CD.

Example of parallel and sequential projects run: jest.config.js example:

module.exports = {
    projects: [
            displayName: "default-tests",
            globalSetup: "./test-environment/setup.js",
            globalTeardown: "./test-environment/teardown.js",
            testEnvironment: "./test-environment/environment.js",
            setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./test-environment/jest.setup.js"],
            transformIgnorePatterns: ["node_modules/(?!(test-juggler)/)"],
            verbose: true,
            testTimeout: 60000
            displayName: "serial-tests",
            testMatch: ["**/?(*.)+(serial-test).[jt]s?(x)"],
            globalSetup: "./test-environment/setup.js",
            globalTeardown: "./test-environment/teardown.js",
            testEnvironment: "./test-environment/environment.js",
            setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./test-environment/jest.setup.js"],
            transformIgnorePatterns: ["node_modules/(?!(test-juggler)/)"],
            verbose: true,
            testTimeout: 60000
    reporters: ["default", ["jest-junit", { outputDirectory: "junit-report" }]]

Add several scripts in package.json file under "scripts":

"default-tests": "jest --selectProjects default-tests",
"serial-tests": "jest --selectProjects serial-tests --runInBand",
"all-tests": "npm run default-tests && npm run serial-tests",


Note 1: Parallel and sequential run can be implemented without projects. Add test files matchers in jest scripts. Example:

 "serial-tests": "jest --testRegex '.*serial-test*' --runInBand",
 "all-tests": "npm run test && npm run serial-tests",


 "all-tests": "jest && jest --testRegex '.*serial-test*' --runInBand",

Note 2: When running two scripts at once then latest test run overrides junit report. So user is unable to find information about first run. To resolve this problem and generate unique report after each test run add setting uniqueOutputName to jest-junit configuration in jest.config.js file:

reporters: ["default", ["jest-junit", { outputDirectory: "junit-report", uniqueOutputName: "true" }]]

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