The project is a data collection tool, it will allow for users to create data profiles. A data profile is defined to be the type of data to be collected in some sense a data object , a description of this data and properties (fields) that will need to be collected. People contribute data to a data profile. Essentially in the community we will create different data profiles for the type of data we want to collect. The creator of a data profile can limit those who can contribute to a data profile, every data associated to a data profile is public and can be exported in the supported formats json, cvs, xls, xml ,sql and any format. The platform will has a web and mobile client and a backend which is this repo. The server an api service that will be consumed by the mobile and web clients. The mobile client will essentially support just the data collection component of the project. The web client shall support all the components of the project including an administration console.
├── core ---- core folder start and manage applications
│ ├── assets
│ │ ├── default.js --- configuration for asset paths
│ │ └── test.js --- configuaration for tests paths
│ ├── config.js --- initializes app
│ ├── env
│ │ └── default.js -- enviroment configuiration
│ ├── lib
│ │ ├── app.js --- configures app
│ │ ├── express.js --- express config
│ │ ├── mongoose.js --- mongo config
│ │ └── --- sockets config
│ └── sslcerts --- ssl certificates
├── modules ------- all application modules go into this folder eg.
│ └── authentication --- Every module developed must contain these base folder
│ ├── controller --- handles routes,recommended file naming <controller_name>.controller.js
│ ├── middleware --- route enterceptors, nameing <midleware>.middleware.js
│ ├── model ---------- contains two type of files, mongo schema and class files
│ │ └── user.model.js --- mongo model ,naming <schema>.model.js, class <class>.class.js
| |__ tests
| |__ e2e --- end to end tests folder [
| |__ authentication.test.js ---
│ └── routes --- rest api endpoints
│ └── authentication.route.js --- naming <route>.route.js
├── package.json --- package file
|__ init-tests.js ---- Initialise test objects eg database objects
|__ data-collection-tool.postman_collection.json ----- Postman file for testing api endpoints
├── server.js --- entry point of server
Follow the instructions to install mongo for your specific Os here
Follow the instructions to install git for your specific Os here
Follow the instructions to install node for your specific Os here
Follow the instructions to install node for your specific Os here
git clone <repo_name>
cd repo_name
yarn install # install packages
yarn start # start application
If you have questions, you can post them in the Developer Circle Buea Group or create an issue with label Question on the repo
Will be updated before hackathon