developit / optimize-plugin

Optimized Webpack Bundling for Everyone. Intro ⤵️
Apache License 2.0
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modern-javascript webpack webpack-plugin

Optimize Plugin for Webpack

Optimize your code for modern browsers while still supporting the other 10%, increasing your build performance, reducing bundle size and improving output quality.

Put simply: it compiles code faster, better and smaller.



npm install --save-dev optimize-plugin


First, disable any existing configuration you have to Babel, minification, and module/nomodule.

Then, add OptimizePlugin to your Webpack plugins Array:

plugins: [
  new OptimizePlugin({
    // any options here


Option Type Description
concurrency number\|false Maximum number of threads to use. Default: the number of available CPUs.
Pass false for single-threaded, sometimes faster for small projects.
sourceMap boolean\|false Whether or not to produce source maps for the given input.
minify boolean\|false Minify using Terser, if turned off only comments will be stripped.
downlevel boolean\|true Produces a bundle for nomodule browsers. (IE11, ...)
modernize boolean\|true Attempt to upgrade ES5 syntax to equivalent modern syntax.
verbose boolean\|false Will log performance information and information about polyfills.
polyfillsFilename string\|polyfills.legacy.js The name for the chunk containing polyfills for the legacy bundle.
exclude RegExp[]\|[] Asset patterns that should be excluded

How does this work?

Instead of running Babel on each individual source code file in your project, optimize-plugin transforms your entire application's bundled code. This means it can apply optimizations and transformations not only to your source, but to your dependencies - making polyfill extraction and reverse transpilation steps far more effective.

This setup also allows optimize-plugin to achieve better performance. All work is done in a background thread pool, and the same AST is re-used for modern and legacy transformations. Previous solutions for module/nomodule have generally relied running two complete compilation passes, which incurs enormous overhead since the entire graph is built and traversed multiple times. With optimize-plugin, bundling and transpilation are now a separate concerns: Webpack handles graph creation and reduction, then passes its bundles to Babel for transpilation.


What do I do with my current Babel configuration?

In order to migrate to optimize-plugin, you'll need to move your babel configuration into a .babelrc or babel.config.js file and remove babel-loader from your Webpack configuration. Remember, optimize-plugin only uses your babel configuration when generating modern bundles. Legacy bundles are automatically compiled to ES5 without looking at your Babel configuration, though you can customize their compilation by defining a browserslist field in your package.json.

Do I need to include any polyfills manually?

In general, adopting optimize-plugin means removing all of your current polyfills, since the plugin automatically detects and polyfills JavaScript features for legacy bundles. The plugin does not polyfill DOM features though, so be sure to keep including any DOM polyfills your application relies (ParentNode.append(), Module Workers, etc).

Remember: the premise of this plugin is that you don't need to configure JS transpilation or polyfills - it's all done automatically based on usage.

