developmentseed / ui-seed

UI framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
8 stars 3 forks source link

UI Seed - DEPRECATED in favour of:

The following guide only explains how to include ui-seed in a new project.

For information on how to develop ui-seed checkout the

Style guide and UI components library that aims to standardize the look and feel across all Development Seed related applications, while defining coding best practices and conventions.

Install it as an node module: (Not available on npm, use direct link)

yarn add git+ssh://

For the most recent version omit the tag.

Note: This UI system makes some assumptions which are described below for each of the elements.


The shared assets are all in the assets directory. It is organized as follows:


Utility libraries and shared components.

Use as any node module:

import { Dropdown, user } from 'ui-seed';

If you want to minimize bundle size you can also include the components directly.
Bindings exported from ui-seed are also available in ui-seed/assets/scripts


Requires Bourbon and Jeet.

Add the module path to the includePaths of gulp-sass. Should look something like:

  outputStyle: 'expanded',
  precision: 10,
  includePaths: require('node-bourbon').with('node_modules/jeet/scss', require('ui-seed/gulp-addons').scssPath)

The ui-seed uses Open Sans (General) and Lato (headings) which are available on Google Fonts.
It needs to be included in the app:

<link href=",700i|Open+Sans:300,300i,400,400i,700,700i" rel="stylesheet" />

Now you can include it in the main scss file:

// Bourbon is a dependency
@import "bourbon";

@import "jeet";

@import "ui-seed";


The ui-seed includes svg icons that are compiled into a webfont and included in the styles.
To use the icons, check the _ui-seed-icons.scss for the class names.

The icons are compiled into a webfont using collecticons-processor allowing the icons to be used as scss extents:

<button class="bttn-add">Add</button>
.bttn-add:before { // or .bttn-add:after {
  @extend %uisi-share;

or inline:

<button><i class="uisi-share"></i> Share</button>


Graphics that are to be shared among projects.

Add the graphicsMiddleware to browserSync. This is only to aid development.
Should look something like:

  port: 3000,
  server: {
    baseDir: ['.tmp', 'app'],
    routes: {
      '/node_modules': './node_modules'
    middleware: require('ui-seed/gulp-addons').graphicsMiddleware(fs) // <<< This line

*Basically every time there's a request to a path like /assets/graphics/**, browserSync will check in the ui-seed folder first. If it doesn't find anything it will look in the normal project's asset folder.*

You also need to ensure that the images are copied over on build. This ensures that the graphics are copied over when building the project.

gulp.task('images', function () {
  return gulp.src(['app/assets/graphics/**/*', require('ui-seed/gulp-addons').graphicsPath + '/**/*'])

Just include the images using the path assets/graphics/[graphic-type]/[graphic-name].
All available images can be found here.