devict / hacktoberfest

Our own little local version of hacktoberfest
4 stars 18 forks source link
github go golang hacktoberfest


A little web app for tracking participation in the devICT Hacktoberfest event.


Make Wichita a better place through code. Hop on over to the devICT Hacktoberfest app and register with your GitHub profile.


Follow the steps below to get the app running locally on your system.


Download & install Docker on your system.

Create an application from your GitHub Settings page. Set the Homepage URL to http://localhost:8080 and Authorization callback URL to http://localhost:8080/auth/github.

Copy the secret.env.example file and rename it to secret.env:

cp secret.env.example secret.env

Paste the Client ID and Client Secret from your registered GitHub application into secret.env.

(If on Windows) Make sure your local repository path (for example C:\Users\username\repos\job-board) is available for Docker Filesharing by going to Docker Dashboard > Settings > Resources > File Sharing

Start the database in daemon mode:

docker compose up -d db

Start the web service:

docker compose up --build web

Install frontend assets:

npm install

Build the frontend assets:

npm run build

You're ready to go! Visit localhost:8080 in your browser.

Developing Locally

Using the configured Docker Compose file if you edit anything under public/ or templates/ then the change will be available immediately. If you change any .go files you will have to rebuild the image. While the web service is running press ctrl + c to cancel the process and then run docker-compose up --build web again to restart.

Running npm run watch will watch for frontend changes and rebuild CSS assets.

This website uses the Typicons icon library. Download the SVG files from their website.


The entire idea and name "Hacktoberfest" comes from the Digital Ocean event by the same name.