A dashboard for monitoring the progress of Grand Bargain signatories publishing humanitarian data to IATI.
Information about the Grand Bargain can be found on the Agenda for Humanity website.
This assumes a typical Python development setup is available (details on such things to be provided at some point in the future).
virtualenv -p python3 pyenv
source pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir data/remote
python src/app.py
# navigate to
Deployment is undertaken using ansible.
# follow instructions at http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_installation.html
# check that ansible is working by pinging the server
ansible gbm -i deployment/inventory.ini -m ping
NOTE: You must have ssh access to hosts specified in inventory.ini
for this to work. This file may be modified to change the specified servers.
# configure the server and deploy the application
ansible-playbook deployment/playbooks.yml -i deployment/inventory.ini
OR step-by-step
# configure the server
ansible-playbook deployment/setup.yml -i deployment/inventory.ini
ansible-playbook deployment/setup-numbergen.yml -i deployment/inventory.ini
# deploy the application
ansible-playbook deployment/deploy.yml -i deployment/inventory.ini
ansible-playbook deployment/deploy-numbergen.yml -i deployment/inventory.ini