devinit / ug-district-dashboard-viz

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DI Chart Boilerplate

A starting point for creating charts & maps (D3, Plotly, ECharts)



npm install -g nwb

npm install papaparse

You must also ensure that your node.js/npm directory is on PATH.


    npm start

This starts the dev environment, compiling the javascript and css. Changes to JS & CSS files trigger a page refresh in the browser


    npm run build

Build files are copied into the dist folder. It is from these files that the contents of the assets folder are updated

To update the assets, copy the contents of the relevant files from the dist folder (app.*.js, app.*.css, runtime.*.js) into their respective destinations in the assets folder

Copy Bundled Assets


This copies the required assets from the generated dist folder to the assets folder

Configuring visualisations & other dashboard widgets

The current codebase allows users to configure:

Visualisations are configured through the global state.

    const state = {/* chart configs go here */ };

The code expects data to be contain the following key properties:

  1. Each row must reference data of a particular year
  2. One column should correspond to a series e.g. a column ownership with two possible values Government & Private will create 2 series, one for each value.
  3. Each row must have a data value. This shall correspond to comparable points on the visualisation.

e.g. to create a simple bar chart

    const state = {
            charts: {
                    className: 'classname-of-root-element',
                    data: [
                            { year: 2015, ownership: 'Government', value: 120 },
                            { year: 2015, ownership: 'Private', value: 200 },
                            { year: 2016, ownership: 'Government', value: 150 },
                            { year: 2016, ownership: 'Private', value: 80 },
                            { year: 2017, ownership: 'Government', value: 70 },
                            { year: 2017, ownership: 'Private', value: 120 },
                    type: 'bar',
                    series: ['Government', 'Private'],
                    mapping: {
                            series: 'ownership',
                            year: 'year',
                            value: 'value',

Charts Config

Here a full configuration for charts, with a provision to toggle between a chart and a table.

    const state = {
            charts: {
                    className: '', // a class on the DOM element you want to render the chart on
                    data: [], // an object array - optional. Take precendence over `url` or `dataID`
                    url: '', // a data URL. Can be anything from CSV to JSON, or an API endpoint that returns JSON. Ignored if the data or dataID property is provided.
                    dataID: '' // an ID used to fetcch the data file from an API. Ignored if the url or data property is provided.
                    type: '', // type of chart. Options are `bar`, `area`, `line`, `column`. This can be overwritten in the options config.
                    series: [], // specifies the series rendered by this chart. The series mapping must have matching values (see mapping property).
                    mapping: { // used to map the provided data to expected properties. It removes the limitation of column names.
                            series: '', // name of the series column
                            year: '', // name of the year column
                            value: '', // name of the value column
                    typeOptions: [], // used to specify which chart type options are available. e.g. [{ value: 'bar', label: 'Bar Chart' }, { value: 'line', label: 'Line Chart' }],
                    yearRange: [], // number array of length 2 - minimum and maximum year to show on the x-axis e.g. [2010, 2020] generates a range of years from 2010 to 2020.
                    excludeYears: [], // number array - years to exclude from the x-axis year range. Used to eliminate gaps.
                    aggregator: '', // two options - `sum` and `avg`. For multiple rows of the same year and series, a value of sum adds up all matching rows, and avg calculates their average.
                    filters: { // used to filter specific columns e.g. see below
                            ownership: ['primary'], // will filter the data, returning only rows that have ownership == primary.
                    options: {}, // echarts options as specified here - use to customise your chart
                    selectors: [ // used to configure dropdown selectors that filter chart data in realtime. Allows chart specific change of context.
                                    data: [ // dropdown options - the value should match expected data in the valueProperty
                                            { value: 'primary', label: 'Primary' },
                                            { value: 'secondary', label: 'Secondary' }
                                    url: '', // for dynamic dropdown options - only one of this and data are required
                                    label: 'Select level', // dropdown label
                                    defaultValue: { value: 'all', label: 'Primary and secondary' }, // dropdown default value - use `all` for when no filter is active.
                                    valueProperty: 'value', // maps to the value column in the data
                                    labelProperty: 'label', // maps to the label column in the data
                                    dataProperty: 'level' // maps to the data column in the data
                    table: { // when present & configured correctly, shows buttons that toggle between the chart view and table view
                            yearRange: [], // same as chart yearRange
                            rows: ['Government', 'Private'], // maps a data row to a particular property/column - equivalent to a chart series
                            mapping: { // maps data to expected options.
                                    rows: 'Type', // row column name
                                    year: 'year', // year column name
                                    value: 'Value', // value column name

Map Config

Here a full configuration for the maps.

    const state = {
            location: { // configure the location context of the dashboard. This mostly affects the map.
                    name: 'Masindi', // location name - should match a location on the map. The Ugandan map highlights this location.
                    fullName: 'Masindi District',
                    coordinates: [31.766240227362417, 1.8818134163990712], // array with latitued and longitude - default zoom coordinates when the map is initially rendered
            map: {
                    filters: { // used to customise the labels for the 3 available filters.
                            topicLabel: 'Select a topic to explore',
                            indicatorLabel: 'Choose an indicator',
                            yearLabel: 'Choose a year',
                    data: [ // an array that contains topics/themes that are to be rendered on the map
                                    id: 'education', // id of the topic
                                    name: 'Education', // name of the topic
                                    dashboardUrl: '', // if provided, a button appears on the top left of the map to navigate to this URL
                                    dashboardButtonCaption: 'View Education Dashboard', // button caption
                                    indicators: [ // populates the indicators filter/dropdown for this topic - the map renders data for a selected indicator.
                                                    id: 'numberOfSchools', // indicator ID
                                                    name: 'Number of Primary Schools', // name of indicator as will appear in dropdown, tooltips and legend
                                                    description: 'Description Goes Here!', // a brief description of the indicator - appears above the legend.
                                                    url: '', // data source URL - CSV, JSON or API endpoint that returns JSON data
                                                    dataID: '', // data source ID - to fetch indicator data from API. The url property has precedence over dataID property
                                                    schoolLocationUrl: '', // school geolocation data source URL - CSV or JSON. Takes precedence over schoolLocationdataID if both are set.
                                                    schoolLocationdataID: '', // data source dataID to be used for fetching data via an API endpoint.
                                                    yearRange: [2016, 2021], // max and min year range - use to generate years for the year filter.
                                                    colours: ['#faa2c1', '#f06595', '#d6336c'],  // a list of hex colours for each range of data
                                                    range: [5, 10, 15, 20], // groups values into sepecified ranges e.g < 5, 5 - 10, 10 - 15, 15 - 20, > 20 - the specified colours map to these ranges and highlight different values on the map.
                                                    mapping: { // maps expected data to available columns in the provided data source.
                                                            location: 'SubCounty', // location column
                                                            value: 'Value', // value column
                                                            year: 'year', // year column
                                                    aggregator: 'sum', // either sum, avg
                                                    filters: {
                                                            level: ['primary'], // filters data for a specified column e.g. only renders rows that have a level === 'primary'

Selector Config

Here is a full configuration for global selectors/dropdowns/filters.

    const state = {
            selectors: [ // an array of objects, each corresponding to a dropdown
                            id: 'subcounty', // id of the selector
                            url: '', // data source of the selector
                            data: [], // an array of objects - dropdown options. Optional - Only need either this or URL.
                            label: 'Select sub-county', // label of the selector
                            defaultValue: { value: 'all', label: 'All sub-counties' }, // a value of `all` is expected for when no option is selected.
                            stateProperty: 'subCounty', // which state property to update when this value changes. `subCounty` is the expected property for a subcounty selector
                            valueProperty: 'Name', // value column
                            labelProperty: 'Name', // label column

Key Facts config

Here is a full config for the Key Facts tab widget. Example data URL here

    const state = {
            keyFacts: { // state property for this widget.
                    url: '', // data source URL - the stats that are show are taken from this data source. No mapping, so not as flexible as the others.
                    tabs: [
                                    id: 'overview', // id of tab
                                    show: true, // defaults to true
                                    label: 'Overview Tab', // label of the tab
                                    id: 'education',
                                    dashboardURL: '', // when undefined, button is not shown
                                    dashboardButtonCaption: 'View Education Dashboard', // button caption