devinrhode2 / sendUncaughtException

Catch exceptions and send them to window.onuncaughtException(e). sendUncaughtException(e) is just a more robust way of calling this function
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How can I register a global "uncaught exception" handler for javascript in the browser?

In node it's simple. In the browser, all you have is window.onerror... which works like this:

window.onerror = function(message, url, lineNo) {
  // If failing script was hosted on a different domain, the message is just "Script error."
  // with no line number or url!

In order to get a real stack trace, all you have is the try-catch block*.

How do you catch all errors and send them to one function?

Include the higher-level library Shield.js in your page, and tell it what libraries you are using. It'll handle the rest.

If you work on javascript libraries, please read on. This library is a low-level component that Shield.js uses, and you may also be interested in using.

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I'd like to work with libraries to establish window.onuncaughtException as a standard, so you don't have to re-define library functions.

Eventually I'm sure it will be very clear for browsers to also send exceptions to this same function, but perhaps as an event like load on the window object.

Most people will want to just send uncaught exceptions to a window.onuncaughtException function, without a library, like this:

try {
  // javascript
} catch (e) {
  if (window.onuncaughtException) {
  } else {
    throw e;

Maybe even skip the if check!

try {
  // javascript
} catch (e) {

If you strongly believe that the javascript community should have a way to register a global uncaughtException handler like I do, you may want to use this component in your library.


try {
  // code
} catch (e) {
  return sendUncaughtException(e);

sendUncaughtException simply calls window.onuncaughtException — but if there's an exception in doing so, we pass that fatal exception to fatalException.

fatalException will wait 34 milliseconds (2 frames) by default until it is no longer receiving any new exceptions, and then creates an email report of the errors and asks the user if they are willing to send it with a confirm dialog. If they hit OK, a window for a mailto link with all the info pre-populated pops up.

The confirm dialog also happens to be a quick and convenient way to discover errors in your window.onuncaughtException handler.

If you want to do something other than ask users to email errors, fork this library and redefine fatalException

Also, this libraries method for turning an exception into a string is exposed as sendUncaughtException.createStringyException. The method takes in an exception and returns a JSON-stringifiable exception with an enhanced toString method. Because of this, you can just concatenate it with other strings and not lose any information about the exception. The stringified format is:


Furthermore, if you pass a string into this method, it will just be returned. If you want a real exception object, create one yourself and pass it in, like this:

sendUncaughtException.createStringyException(new Error('your string'))


fatalException adds properties onto itself as options.

The options and their defaults are listed around line 129 in sendUncaughtException.js at var defaultOptions

To customize any of these options, do:

fatalException.option = 'your new value';

You can use fatalException for other mission-critical fails:

try {
} catch (e) {
  return fatalException('failed to load jQuery.')

By default fatalException will wait 34 milliseconds for other errors to reel in, you can set this to 0 or any other time my passing in the number as the second parameter to fatalException. For example:

fatalException('failed to load jQuery.', 5000); // wait for other load failures

Futhermore, fatalException returns the timer id from setTimeout, allowing you to clearTimeout if you know you're going to call fatalException again very shortly.


npm install devinrhode2/sendUncaughtException --save

This downloads the version on the master branch on github. No other versions are available at this time.

Enjoy! Please file issues and/or give me direct feedback via email. I use gmail and my username is devinrhode2 everywhere.

*Except in the latest chrome, which gives you the exception object as the 5th parameter to window.onerror