devinsmith / w3m

w3m fork (originally from Scarletts)
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w3s: terminal-based web browser & pager

This repository is for the continued development of the w3m web browser and pager, since upstream seems to have died down. It is based on w3m 0.5.3, released 2011-01-15.

w3s is ideal for browsing content-focused websites where the clutter displayed by graphical web browsers gets in the way of the actual content.

It currently runs on OpenBSD, and compiles using BSD make.


Changes since 0.5.3

Building and installing


# pkg_add boehm-gc imlib2
# make
# make install
$ w3s

Additionally, it's possible to build without m17n and/or image support:

# pkg_add boehm-gc
# USE_IMAGE=no USE_M17N=no make
# make install
$ w3s


Under Linux based distributions you can should use CMake to build this program.

$ sudo apt install libgc-dev libbsd-dev libimlib2-dev
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install
$ w3s