devo-ps / pipelines

Build pipelines for automation, deployment, testing...
MIT License
119 stars 13 forks source link
automation cd ci continuous-delivery continuous-deployment continuous-integration continuous-testing

.. image::


.. image:: :align: center :alt: Pipeline UI screenshot

Pipelines is a simple tool with a web UI to manage running tasks. It supports running tasks manually through a Web UI or automatically via webhooks.

Pipelines is composed of three components:

Pipelines is primarily developed to run on Linux / MacOS. Windows support is not available at the moment.



Note for python2.7:

we drop support for python2.7 as it reached EOL. for those who still want to use pipelines in some legacy environment. use tag 0.0.15 or branch legacy-for-python2.

Base install

.. code-block:: bash

pip install pipelines

Or get the latest dev version from Github <>_ and run pip install . from within the cloned repo. Or run pip directly from git pip install git+


Pipelines runs solely on files. No database is currently required. All the pipelines, the logs of each run and various temporary files are stored under the workspace folder.

Workspace is a folder that needs to be specified when running pipelines.

.. code-block:: bash

mkdir ~/pipelines_workspace

Drop your pipelines files (see format below) directly at the root of this folder.

Run standalone

Start the API with the following:

.. code-block:: bash

pipelines server --workspace ~/pipelines_workspace --username admin --password admin

You may want to specify a different binding IP address (default: or different port (defaut: 8888). Refer to the pipelines --help for additional parameters.

You can now access pipelines at http://localhost:8888

How to run as a daemon

Create a dedicated user to run pipelines

.. code-block:: bash

# Create a pipelines user
useradd -m -d /var/lib/pipelines -s /bin/false pipelines

# Create the workspace folder (optional)
mkdir /var/lib/pipelines/workspace
chown -R pipelines. /var/lib/pipelines

# Create a SSH key pair (optional)
sudo -u pipelines ssh-keygen

You may want to rely on supervisord to run the API.

.. code-block:: bash

# Ubuntu / Debian
apt-get install supervisor

# CentOS / RedHat (to confirm)
yum install supervisord

Copy and adapt de config file from etc/supervisor/pipelines.conf to /etc/supervisor.

.. code-block:: bash

# Update and reload supervisord
supervisorctl reread
supervisorctl update
supervisorctl start pipelines

Access the web interface at http://localhost:8888

Additionaly you may want to use nginx as reverse proxy as well. See sample config from etc/nginx.


Static authentication

You can define a static admin user by specifying the following options when running pipelines:

.. code-block:: bash

    --username ADMIN_USER
    --password ADMIN_PASS

Github Oauth

This is an experimental feature

You can add oauth support from Github to allow teams to access pipelines. You will need to set it by using environment variables for the Oauth Apps, and the --github-auth to limit teams access.

To get your OAUTH Key and Secret:

To start the pipelines server with Github OAuth enabled.

.. code-block:: bash

GH_OAUTH_KEY=my_oauth_app_key \
GH_OAUTH_SECRET=my_super_secret \
pipelines server [--options] --github-auth=MY_ORG/MY_TEAM[,MY_ORG/ANOTHER_TEAM]

Note: If you use Github Oauth, you will not be able to use static authentication.

Pipelines file format

Pipeline definition file uses YAML syntax. A few examples below. Pipelines files are meant to be put at the root of your workspace.

Simple example

This is a very basic pipeline definition. Save it in your workspace within a .yaml file (e.g. WORKSPACE/example-pipeline.yaml). It does ... nothing really useful TBH.

.. code-block:: yaml

# Pipeline definitions are standard yaml and you can include comments inside

# Variables are exposed to all actions through {{ varname }} syntax.
    code_branch: dev

# Triggers define the automated ways to run the task. In addition to manual execution
# through the UI, only webhook is supported for now.
    - type: webhook

# Actions are the steps that are run for this pipeline. The default action plugin is bash,
# but you can use others by defining the "type" field.
    - 'echo "Starting task for {{ code_branch }}"'
    - name: 'My custom name step'
      type: bash
      cmd: "echo 'less compact way to define actions'"
    - 'ls -la /tmp'


The vars section of the pipeline definition defines variables that will then be available in any of the actions.

.. code-block:: yaml

    my_var: something

    - echo {{ my_var }}

You can then use the variables as seen above.



You can prompt users to manually input fields when they run the pipeline through the web-UI. To do this add a prompt section to your pipeline definition. The prompt fields will override the variables from the vars section.

You can alternatively provide a list of acceptable values; the prompt will then appear as a select field and let you choose from the available values

.. code-block:: yaml

    # This is the default value when triggered and no prompt is filled (e.g. via webhook)
    my_var: default_no_prompt

    # This is the default value when triggered via the web UI
    my_var: default_with_prompt

    # This will appear as a select field
        type: select
            - value1
            - value2

    # This will display:
    #    "default_no_prompt" when call via webhook
    #    "default_with_prompt" when call via UI but keeping the default
    #    "other" when call via UI and "other" is inputted by the user
    - echo {{ my_var }}

    # Depending on the selected value, will display value1 or value2
    - echo {{ my_var_from_select }}


Default actions use the bash plugin and will execute command as if they were shell commands.

Other actions can be used by specifying another type. Supported types currently are:


See example above.


The python plugin allows to run python scripts or inline python code.

.. code-block:: yaml

  - type: python
    script: |
      import json
      a = {'test': 'value', 'array': [1,2,3]}
      print(json.dumps(a, indent=2))
  - type: python
    virtualenv:  /opt/venvs/my_env
    file: '/tmp/'

Explanation of the fields:



The ``slack`` plugin allows sending messages over to `Slack <>`_ (e.g. pipelines execution status).

.. code-block:: yaml

        name: some_name

        - type: slack
          message: 'Deployment finished for project {{ name }}.'
          always_run: true

Explanation of fields:

- **type**: tells **Pipelines** to execute the action through the ``slack`` plugin.
- **always_run**: ensure the action is run all the time - even if a former action failed.
- **message**: is the message to send to Slack.


- The ``slack`` plugin **require** a ``slack_webhook`` vars defined in the ``vars`` section of the pipeline.

Slack Hooks URL are defined via the `Incoming WebHooks <>`_ app (`Slack API details here <>`_).



If you want to run your pipeline by triggering it through a webhook you can enable it in the triggers section.

.. code-block:: yaml

    - type: webhook

If you open the web-UI you can see the webhook URL that was generated for this pipeline in the "Webhook" tab. You can for example configure GitHub repository <>_ to call this url after every commit.

You can access the content of the webhook content in the actions in the webhook_content variable; e.g. echo {{ webhook_content.commit_id }}


Advanced Templates

Pipelines uses Jinja2 <>_ to do variables replacement. You can use the whole set of builtin features from the Jinja2 engine to perform advanced operations.

.. code-block:: yaml

        type: select
            - good
            - bad

    - name: Print something
      type: bash
      cmd: |
          {% if stuff == 'good' %}
            echo "Do good stuff..."
          {% else %}
            echo "Do not so good stuff..."
          {% endif %}

    - name: Use builtin filters
      type: bash
      # Will display 'goose' or 'base'
      cmd: echo {{ stuff | replace('d', 'se') }}

Dirty line by line setup

TODO: Make a real setup script / one-liner script ... and not Debian only ...


Note: Not heavily tested.

.. code-block:: bash

docker run -d boratbot/pipelines


No definitive roadmap for the moment, mainly focusing on having a lean code base (heavy refactoring to come).

Among the possible features: