devonfw / IDEasy

Tool to automate the setup and updates of a development environment for any project (Successor of devonfw-ide).
Apache License 2.0
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Missing comprehensive "Getting started guide" causing fail in getting started with IDEasy #378

Open hcguersoy-cg opened 3 months ago

hcguersoy-cg commented 3 months ago

Expected behavior

As a macOS user, I expect that I can unpack the released archive, open a terminal in a target directory and getting started working with this tool.

Actual behavior

I miss a comprehensive Getting started guide. So I pick the information from the documentation at these points:

After downloading and unpacking the release archive, I can't execute ide. The shell script ide comes with wrong file permissions:

~/Downloads/ide-cli-mac-x64/bin ❯ stat -c "%a %n" ./ide ./ideasy
644 ./ide
755 ./ideasy

I've to chown to make it executable.

After this, I follow the documentation, copy both files into the new created directory and execute ide setup. The documentation implies that a batch script / file named setup exists, but this is not the case.

❯ ./ide setup
You are not inside an IDE installation: /Users/hgursoy/Workspaces/testing/ideasy/testproj
IDE_ROOT is not set or not a valid directory.

Error: IDEasy failed with exit code 1
./ide: line 10: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script
./ide: line 18: : command not found

I get same result then I execute ideasy install.

At this point, I've stopped and removed IDEasy from my machine.

Steps to reproduce (bug) / Use Case of feature request (enhancement)

see above

Related/Dependent Issues

Why I've to copy scripts/executables by hand in directories? Due to this, I've opened #377 .


Please provide a working getting started guide. If the first steps fail, this tool will be abandoned. In my case, I prefer to use EditorConfig and SDKMan.

Affected version:

Tested this based on documentation at revision 81bb8bbe4262645b83cec11c0490afb5991a34b1 on main and the release 2024.05.001-alpha.

hohwille commented 3 months ago

@hcguersoy-cg thanks for your testing and feedback. We are fully aware of this and that is the reason why we are currently in alpha phase and even in beta we will still live with such obstacles. However, let me assure that by the end of the year we plan to have releases that come with a proper "installer" that lets you agree to the license and then performs the installation including the required OS integration. However, we are very happy that you are brave enough to test our alpha release already on your mac. For the lacking file permission, I will create a PR quickfix since this seems to be a simple gitattributes issue that seems to have come with the required git-reindexing (see #261 - git is a great tool but in this regard it really sucks).

hohwille commented 3 months ago

Ah and for the record of early adopters: If you extract an alpha or beta release of IDEasy on your Mac and ensure it is on your PATH, you can test it by adding this to your ~/.bashrc:

alias ide="source $(which ide)"

Explanation: the ide "wrapper script" is not a regular bash script to be called as a sub-process of the shell. Just like with devonfw-ide it needs to be sourced. There is technically no other way since a sub-process cannot modify environment variables of its parent process (the users shell like bash or zsh) what is required so that IDEasy can set your PATH or JAVA_HOME, MAVEN_ARGS, etc.

hohwille commented 2 months ago

See also #423

hohwille commented 1 month ago

setup scripts now included. Still not a "getting started guide" so I will reopen.