devonfw / IDEasy

Tool to automate the setup and updates of a development environment for any project (Successor of devonfw-ide).
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 20 forks source link

= IDEasy

:toc: macro


Tool to automate the setup and updates of a development environment for any project (Successor of[devonfw-ide]).

image:["Apache License,Version 2.0",link=] image:["Maven Central",link=] image:["Build Status",link=""] image:["Update URLS Status",link=""] image:["Nightly Release",link=""] image:["Coverage Status",link=""]


== Pitch

With IDEasy you can create a very small git repo with the configuration of the dev environment of your software project. Developers can then setup your project using IDEasy with a single CLI command on Windows, Mac, or Linux and get all the tools needed for your project in the configured version and tailored to the projects demands.

No more manual steps to install and configure, no diff-wars, no more dev setup manuals, no more "its not working on my machine"!

Among many link:documentation/alternatives.adoc[alternatives] we believe IDEasy is the best solution for project centric software development needs esp. with its link:documentation/sandbox.adoc[sandbox concept].

Not yet convinced? See link:documentation/features.adoc[features].

== Setup

=== Prerequisites

All you need before installing IDEasy is[git].

=== Install

Download the latest version of IDEasy from[here] and install it. (You can find all Releases in[Maven Central])

=== Create projects

Once installed, you can setup a new project with the following command:

ide create «project-name» [«settings-git-url»]

If you do not have a «settings-git-url», you can omit it to setup a standard Java project as demo.

==== Video Tutorial

ifdef::env-github[] image:[link=, width=640,height =360] endif::[]

ifndef::env-github[] video::NG6TAmksBGI[youtube] endif::[] //video::NG6TAmksBGI[youtube, width=640, height=360] // end::you[]

See also our latest video[devon ide update @ RISE]

== Documentation

== Contribution Guidelines

If you want to contribute to IDEasy please read our[Contribution Guidelines].

We use[GitHub Issues] to track bugs and submit feature requests.

== License