devonfw / ide

Tool to automate setup and update of development environment (esp. for Java projects).
Apache License 2.0
33 stars 102 forks source link

VSCode setup failing due to devonfw.devonfw-extension-pack #1310

Closed hohwille closed 9 months ago

hohwille commented 11 months ago
$ devon vscode
Updating vscode from version 1.74.1 to version 1.81.0...
Success: run command mkdir
Starting installation of vscode in version 1.81.0 to /d/projects/devonfw/software/vscode
Trying to download from
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   128  100   128    0     0    737      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   748
100  123M  100  123M    0     0  1238k      0  0:01:42  0:01:42 --:--:-- 1409k
Download of from succeeded.
Checksum 33fc7dd3f3f8326bf2949ac5e45d5e2610e4900c7e577602d171e64db1c8c513 is correct
Success: run command unzip
Successfully extracted archive to /d/projects/devonfw/updates/extracted/vscode
Creating backup by moving existing /d/projects/devonfw/software/vscode to /d/projects/devonfw/updates/backups/23-08-04
Success: run command mv
Successfully installed vscode
The software vscode has been added. You need to rerun 'devon' command without arguments or restart your terminal to update your PATH so the newly installed software will be found.
Success: verify installation of vscode (code)
vsCode extensions not configured to be removed on update. If you would like to do so, please create /d/projects/devonfw/settings/vscode/ with clean_plugins_on_update=true.

******** ATTENTION ********
Starting installation of the following plugins into VS code:
Please wait until VSCode has successfully installed all plugins.
Installing extensions...
Error while installing extensions: unable to get local issuer certificate
unable to get local issuer certificate

******** ATTENTION ********
Failed to run command '/d/projects/devonfw/software/vscode/bin/code'
We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please check the above errors, resolve them and try again.
Exit code was 1

It is finally time to remove devonfw.devonfw-extension-pack entirely from devonfw-ide. In the last year this plugin has brought more problems than being of any help. We can maintain the list of underlying plugins in our settings git repo giving projects and users much more flexibility as they can enable or disable each of the underlying plugins according to their needs and potential upcoming problems. The devonfw.devonfw-extension-pack is a monolithic all in one solution where you can install all or nothing and unfortunately "all" means that it is failing. It was a nice idea but IMHO the idea does not work out anymore.

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