devonfw / ide

Tool to automate setup and update of development environment (esp. for Java projects).
Apache License 2.0
33 stars 102 forks source link

:toc: macro


A tool designed to help developers setting up an development environment with the ability to share the same project settings across the team.

image:["Apache License, Version 2.0",link=] image:["Maven Central",link=] image:["Build Status",link=""]

image:["Windows",link=""] image:["Ubuntu",link=""] image:["MacOS",link=""]


== Setup

=== Prerequisites ** Windows

** On Windows you need to download and install*[git for windows].

You need a tool to extract `.tar.gzfiles (tarandgzip`). + For example[7-zip] or[WinRar]. Linux *** On Linux you need to install curl and git if you don't have them already + [source,terminal, .text-center]

sudo apt-get install git curl or sudo yum install git-core curl

** MacOS *** On MacOS you only need to download and install[git for mac].

=== Install

Download the latest version of devonfw-ide from[here] and extract it to a folder of your choice. + (You can find all Releases in[Maven Central]) Run the setup in this folder (On Windows you can double click on setup.bat) + A command prompt will open and the setup will start. The setup will ask for a settings URL. In case you do not have a settings URL for your project, you can just press enter to use the default settings. After the setup is finished, you can close the command prompt and open a new one. You are done! You can now use the devon command in your terminal to use the devonfw-ide.

==== Video Tutorial ifdef::env-github[] image:[link=, width=640, height =360] endif::[]

ifndef::env-github[] video::NG6TAmksBGI[youtube] endif::[] //video::NG6TAmksBGI[youtube, width=640, height=360] // end::you[]

See also our latest video[devon ide update @ RISE]

== Documentation

== Contribution Guidelines If you want to contribute to devon-ide please read our[Contribution Guidelines].

We use[GitHub Issues] to track bugs and submit feature requests.

== License