devopsprodigy / kubegraf

Grafana-plugin for k8s' monitoring
MIT License
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Unsigned plugins devopsprodidy-kubegraf-datasource & devopsprodigy-kubegraf-app in Grafana 8 #64

Open simon-dp-ua opened 3 years ago

simon-dp-ua commented 3 years ago

In Grafana 8 it became impossible to use the KubeGraf. Снимок экрана 2021-07-13 в 08 51 03 Снимок экрана 2021-07-13 в 08 51 14

This parameter in the configuration does not help: [plugins] allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = "devopsprodidy-kubegraf-datasource, devopsprodigy-kubegraf-app"

BBQigniter commented 3 years ago

try the variable without quotes - at least this is how it works here with our 7.5.1 installation.

allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = devopsprodigy-kubegraf-app,devopsprodidy-kubegraf-datasource
skibadmitriy commented 3 years ago

Hello I have same issue

t=2021-07-16T12:49:29+0000 lvl=info msg="Starting Grafana" logger=server version=7.2.0 commit=efe4941ee3 branch=HEAD compiled=2020-09-23T11:23:49+0000
t=2021-07-16T12:49:31+0000 lvl=warn msg="Plugin file's signature has been modified versus manifest" logger=plugins plugin=devopsprodigy-kubegraf-app filename=/var/lib/grafana/plugins/devopsprodigy-kubegraf/dist/module.js

git status
HEAD detached at e243afc
nothing to commit, working tree clean
pilot513 commented 2 years ago

On Grafana 8.4.5 in some problem. I am trying to install a new release on Grafana 8.4.5 (k8s 1.23.5) The [plugins] (grafana.ini) section include line:

allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = devopsprodigy-kubegraf-app


I already wrote about it earlier in #68