devopsprodigy / kubegraf

Grafana-plugin for k8s' monitoring
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grafana grafana-datasource grafana-plugin kubernetes monitoring prometheus

DevOpsProdigy KubeGraf

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Kubernetes plugin for Grafana

An updated version of the Grafana App for Kubernetes plugin (, this plugin allows you to visualize and analyze your Kubernetes cluster’s performance. It demonstrates in graphics the main service metrics and characteristics of the Kubernetes cluster. It also makes it easier to examine the application’s life cycle and error logs.


  1. Grafana > 5.0.0
  2. Prometheus + node-exporter + kube-state-metrics (version >= 1.4.0)
  3. Grafana-piechart-panel


The plugin consists of three main info pages with detailed information about the Kubernetes cluster.

Applications overview

Pic. 1: Applications overview

Cluster status

Pic. 2: Cluster status

Nodes overview

Pic. 3: Nodes overview


Besides providing general information on the main pages, the plugin allows you to track a cluster’s performance in graphs, which are located on five dashboards.

This is a dashboard with node metrics. It displays the employment of resources like CPU utilization, memory consumption, percentage of CPU time in idle / iowait modes, and disk and network status.

Pic. 4: Node dashboard

Displays how much of the resources the selected pod has used.

Pic. 5: Pod resources

Pic. 6: Deployment dashboard

Pic. 7: Deployment dashboard

The above three dashboards show the number of available / unavailable application replicas and the status of containers in the pods of these applications, and trace containers’ restarts.


  1. Go to the plugins directory in Grafana:

    cd $GRAFANA_PATH/data/plugins

  2. Copy the repository:

    git clone /var/lib/grafana/plugins/devopsprodigy-kubegraf-app and restart grafana-server


    grafana-cli plugins install devopsprodigy-kubegraf-app and restart grafana-server.

  3. Create namespace "kubegraf" and apply Kubernetes manifests from kubernetes/ directory to give required permissions to the user grafana-kubegraf:

      kubectl create ns kubegraf
      kubectl apply -f
      kubectl apply -f
      kubectl apply -f
      kubectl apply -f
  4. Create a grafana-kubegraf user private key and certificate on one of the master nodes:

      openssl genrsa -out ~/grafana-kubegraf.key 2048
      openssl req -new -key ~/grafana-kubegraf.key -out ~/grafana-kubegraf.csr -subj "/CN=grafana-kubegraf/O=monitoring"
      openssl x509 -req -in ~/grafana-kubegraf.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -out /etc/kubernetes/pki/grafana-kubegraf.crt -CAcreateserial

    Copy /etc/kubernetes/pki/grafana-kubegraf.crt to all other master nodes.


    Get the token

    kubectl get secret grafana-kubegraf-secret -o jsonpath={.data.token} -n kubegraf | base64 -d
  5. Go to /configuration-plugins in Grafana and click on the plugin. Then click “enable”.

  6. Go to the plugin and select “create cluster”.

  7. Enter the settings of http-access to the Kubernetes api server:

    • Kubernetes master's url from kubectl cluster-info
    • Enter the certificate and key from step #4 "TLS Client Auth" section Or The token from step #4 in "Bearer token access" section
  8. Open the “additional datasources” drop-down list and select the prometheus that is used in this cluster.