devslopes-learn / mac-chat-api

Prebuilt api for slack app clone.
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Prebuilt api for slack app clone.

This project is the API for creating a slack clone. No need to understand any of code here. But if you are interested in taking your development skills to the next level, check out our API course.

How It Works
  1. User account creation and login are built-in using passport
    • Login at /v1/account/login
    • Create a new user account at /v1/account/register
  2. Ensure that you use the middleware function authenticated for each of your new routes on any request that must first have an authenticated user
    • Data that you want made to the public (without a user first loggin in) can omit the authenticated middleware
  3. Currently the express app assumes the database is on mLab using Heroku Deploy button at bottom. You can change the URL of the Mongo database to any location src/config/index.js
  4. For a full review on how this api works, checkout our Mac Course on the Devslopes platforms

Chat App REST API with ES6 and Express.

Getting Started

Run a local instance

Start local development live-reload server port 3005:

npm run dev

Requests made in the form http://localhost:3005/v1/endpoint

To build ES6 code

npm run build

#### Run a live online instance 
* Go to `src/config/index.js` 
* change port to `"port": process.env.PORT`
* change mongoUrl to `"mongoUrl": process.env.MONGODB_URI`

You can also spin up a free Heroku dyno to test it out:
