devtooligan / etherrealms-player-class-guide

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Etherrealms - Player Class Guide

"Behold, defender of the Etherrealms! With skills refined in the arena of code and tales of your valor spreading wide, myriad paths unfold." - original tweet

Mage-Smart Contract Dev

With arcane incantations and mechanical keyboards, wizards give life to digital constructs, conjuring hyperstructures of great power. Skilled mages may find full-time, contract, or DAO opportunities paying gold, silver, and platinum coin.

Monk-Open-Source Builder

Some choose the path of the selfless enchanter - crafting spells, forging tools, and building infrastructure for the kingdom, nay, the world. A simple life sustained by grants, contributions, and a profound love for the Etherrealms.

Alchemist-MEV Searcher

Little is known about these necromancers who are rumored to turn mempools of water into gold. Their skill outmatched only by their secrecy.


Virtuosos of magical optimization, these maestros can reduce a spell's mana consumption to the point where even a novice could cast it effortlessly. Their knowledge of ancient opcodes, bit summoning techniques, and the hidden mysteries of the Etherrealm enables them to simplify even the most arcane of incantations. Most operate in solitude, some go insane, but if a mana mechanic joins your ranks, your party's destined to be based.


Their magic is raw and untamed, based on the arcane language of Huff and drawing power from the very chaos of the Etherrealms. Some say they are mad; others claim they possess a clarity most can never attain. One thing is certain, when a Huffoor enters the fray, they plunge headfirst into the heart of chaos, wielding low-level incantations with fierce abandon.

Druid-ZK Engineer

Guardians of the veiled mysteries of the very foundation of the Etherrealms, these druids channel the ancient energies of zero knowledge. They weave obfuscating incantations, ensuring secrets remain untouched and truths are discerned without revelation. While many wander the digital forests solo, the whispers of their craft echo, promising untold power to those who seek their expertise.


Knight of the Grand Audit House

Dedicate thy blade and code to a large, noble audit firm. Ride with a band of brethren, auditing as one for the same sigil. Not only shalt thou review incantations, but also have the honor to forge tools of audit magic.

Mercenary Sellsword-Auditor

Be not tied to one banner but offer thine skills to the highest bidder, engaging in various audit quests across the realm. Freedom accompanies thy work, but with it, uncertainty of constant gold.

Lone Blade Auditor

Solo audits are thy calling. Though security is thy sword, marketing and self-promotion — is thy shield. Part bard by necessity, be known, and let the realm seek thee for thy services.

Ranger-Bounty Hunter

These lone wolves, who sometimes hunt in packs, may live off the land for long stretches then find an elusive bug and claim a king's reward. But fortunes are unpredictable, bewares dear fren. Some rewards promise gold but deliver tin.


Revered for their deep wisdom, these benevolent beings harbor undying passion for the theoretical underpinnings of the Etherrealms. With a heart to uplift and enlighten, they guide fledgling mages and warriors alike, illuminating the path with knowledge.


Architects of the Etherrealms, these beings weave the very fabric of cryptographic magic. Their knowledge spans the vast cosmos, shaping the laws of mystery and eternity itself. Few mortals can fathom the depth of their secrets, but those who do unlock powers and knowledge beyond imagination