devxoul / Toaster

🍞 Toast for Swift
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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ios swift toast


Build Status Swift CocoaPods Carthage compatible

Android-like toast with very simple interface. (formerly JLToast)


Toaster Screenshot


At a Glance

import Toaster

Toast(text: "Hello, world!").show()


Toaster supports the same minimum Xcode version as App Store submission (

Toaster supports the same Swift versions as Xcode (

Toaster supports all Apple platforms.


Getting Started

Setting Duration and Delay

Toast(text: "Hello, world!", duration: Delay.long)
Toast(text: "Hello, world!", delay: Delay.short, duration: Delay.long)

Removing Toasts


Since Toaster 2.0.0, you can use UIAppearance to set default appearance. This is an short example to set default background color to red.

ToastView.appearance().backgroundColor = .red

Supported appearance properties are:

Property Type Description
backgroundColor UIColor Background color
cornerRadius CGFloat Corner radius
textInsets UIEdgeInsets Text inset
textColor UIColor Text color
font UIFont Font
bottomOffsetPortrait CGFloat Vertical offfset from bottom in portrait mode
bottomOffsetLandscape CGFloat Vertical offfset from bottom in landscape mode
shadowPath CGPath The shape of the layer’s shadow
shadowColor UIColor The color of the layer’s shadow
shadowOpacity Float The opacity of the layer’s shadow
shadowOffset CGSize The offset (in points) of the layer’s shadow
shadowRadius CGFloat The blur radius (in points) used to render the layer’s shadow
maxWidthRatio CGFloat The width ratio of toast view in window
useSafeAreaForBottomOffset Bool A Boolean value that determines safeAreaInsets.bottom is added to bottomOffset

Attributed string

Since Toaster 2.3.0, you can also set an attributed string:

Toast(attributedText: NSAttributedString(string: "AttributedString Toast", attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.backgroundColor: UIColor.yellow]))


By default, VoiceOver with UIAccessibility is enabled since Toaster 2.3.0. To disable it:

ToastCenter.default.isSupportAccessibility = false


Toaster is under WTFPL. You can do what the fuck you want with Toast. See LICENSE file for more info.