deweesa / Leaguerboard

Small flask project for collecting League of Legends stats for me and my friends
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After cloning, create a virtual environment and install the requirements.

$ virualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Locally

To run the flask app locally, first run the command

$ source

This sets the FLASK_APP, FLASK_ENV, and DATABASE_URL environment variables as well as activating the virtual enviornment. Be sure to change the DATABASE_URL in the and copy to a file name

Then use

(venv) $ flask run

to start the development server where you can access the site in your browser.

Managing the Database on Heroku

If you're making major changes to the database hosted by Heroku, do not run processess that take a long time to complete ($ flask populate_db for example). Make these changes locally then follow this guide on our Wiki or this guide on Heroku's devcenter to push the database up to Heroku. And after doing this, geniunely, get up and walk away from the computer. It takes a while for the changes to go live, so do yourself a favor and don't keep refreshing the site thinking "why is this broken".