dexit / fping-windows

Fping windows binary mirror
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fping fping-3 fping-4 fping-binary fping-gui fping-windows ipv4 ipv6 networking ping

New Binary ! fping 4.2 (2019-02-19 released 3yrs ago)

====================== Can anyone reverse this so we can compile new version? If you wish to see the V3 with gui then see inside folders ;)

Or else use the binary/cmd mode on the new 4.2

Can anyone reverse the v3 so we can compile new GUI version?

fping 4.2 (2019-02-19)

New features

Bugfixes and other changes

fping 4.1 (2018-09-17)

Bugfixes and other changes

fping 4.0 (2017-04-23)

Incompatible Changes

fping and fping6 unification

fping and fping6 are now unified into one binary. It means that, for example, doing 'fping' is going to ping the IPv6 IP of on IPv6-enabled hosts.

If you need exact compatibility with old versions, you can configure and install fping twice: once for ipv4, and once for ipv6:

./configure --disable-ipv6; make clean install
./configure --disable-ipv4 --program-suffix=6; make clean install
Option -n, not the same as -d anymore

Option -n / --name is now doing a reverse-DNS lookups on host addresses, only if they are given as IP address, but not for hostnames. For example, if you write 'fping -n', fping would previously do a forward-DNS lookup on, and then a reverse-DNS lookup on the resolved IP address. Now, it is just going to keep the name ''. That same behavior can be achieved with the option -d / --rdns (which was previously an alias for -n).

                 fping<4.0              fping>=4.0
fping -n NAME    NAME->IP->IPNAME       NAME
fping -d NAME    NAME->IP->IPNAME       NAME->IP->IPNAME
Discarding of late packets

fping will now discard replies, if they arrive after the defined timeout for reply packets, specified with -t. This change is relevant only for the count and loop modes, where the measured times should be now more consistent (see github issue #32 for details).

To prevent loosing reply packets because of this change, the default timeout in count and loop modes is now automatically adjusted to the period interval (up to 2000 ms), but it can be overriden with the -t option. The default timeout for non-loop/count modes remains 500 ms.

No restrictions by default

fping will not enforce -i >= 1 and -p >= 10 anymore, except if you './configure --enable-safe-limits'.

The reasoning to removing the restrictions by default, is that users can clog the network with other tools anyway, and these restrictions are sometimes getting in the way (for example if you try to ping a lot of hosts).

Default interval (-i) changed from 25ms to 10ms

The default minimum interval between ping probes has been changed from 25ms to 10ms. The reason is that 25ms is very high, considering today's fast networks: it generates at most 31 kbps of traffic (for IPv4 and default payload size).

New features

Bugfixes and other changes

(see doc/CHANGELOG.pre-v4 for older changes)

fping-windows 3.00

Fping windows binary mirror Acquired through Web Archive.

Pretty useful app.

Original source for available here :

Binary/Port created by Wouter Dhondt from

Fast pinger, version 3.00 (c) Copyright 2001 - 2012 Kwakkelflap Written by Wouter Dhondt Web: E-Mail:

Fping is a simple ping program, intended to be used instead of the standard ping program that comes with windows. It was first made to ping faster than once every second. Options have been added since then and fping is now a very handy tool (at least I think it is).

PLATFORMS: Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2000, ME, XP, 2003 server, Vista, 7 and 2008 server

Legal mumbo jumbo :

This program and the accompanying documentation are Copyright (C) 2001 - 2008 by Kwakkelflap. You are allowed to redistribute it, provided that all the files in the original archive are distributed together and no changes are made to any file in the distribution. You can't charge for the program, only for distributing it. You have to clearly identify me (Wouter Dhondt) as the author.

This program comes without any warranty either implied or expressed. In no case shall the author be liable for any damage or unwanted behaviour of any computer hardware and/or software.

The same things in English:

Ping is one of the most useful network debugging tools available. The first ping program was written by Mike Muuss in December 1983 for use on Unix machines. Muuss named his program after the sonar sounds used for echolocation by submarines, although some say ping stands for "Packet InterNet Grouper". Ping sends a small packet of information containing an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to a specified computer, which then sends an ECHO_REPLY packet in return. The ping program then evaluates this reply, and a report is shown. You can check several things with the ping program: can you reach another computer, how long does it take to bounce a packet off of another site, ... You can ping either a domain name, or an IP address. Functionality to show domain names when using IP addresses is supported. Even routing options are available, alas only 9 routes can be shown due to the structure of the IP header (RFC 792). Why did I write my own ping program? There are two main reasons: a) It wanted to know how the ping program worked. I found it really intriguing and was very curious and b) There was a need for a better ping program here at the lab where I work.

Usage: fping <host(-list)> [-t time] [-w timeout] [-c] [-n count] [-s data_size] [-S size1/size2] [-R min/max] [-d ping_data] [-h TTL] [-v TOS] [-r routes] [-f] [-j] [-g host1/host2] [-H filename] [-a] [-A] [-p(x)] [-i] [-b(-)] [-T] [-D] [-l] [-o] [-L filename]

Options: -t : time between 2 pings in ms up to 1000000 -w : timeout in ms to wait for each reply -c : continuous ping (higher priority than -n) to see statistics and continue - type Control-Break; to stop - type Control-C. -n : number of pings to send to each host -s : amount of data in bytes up to 65500 -S : size sweep: ping with size1, size1 + 1, ..., size2 bytes -R : random length between min and max (disabled when using -S) -d : ping with specified data -h : number of hops (TTL: 1 to 128) + print hops -v : Type Of Service (0 to 255) (IPv4-only) -r : record route (1 to 9 routes) (IPv4-only) -f : set Don't Fragment flag in packet (IPv4-only) -j : print jitter with each reply (only when pinging one host) -g : ping IP range from host1 to host2 (IPv4-only) -H : get hosts from filename (comma delimited, filename with full path) -a : resolve addresses to hostnames -A : print addresses with each reply -p : use a thread pool to ping multiple hosts (enables ICMP dll) x is optional and allows you to choose the number of threads e.g. -p uses a thread for every host -p5 uses a pool of 5 threads/core -i : use ICMP dll instead of raw socket (disables -r) -b : beep on every successful reply (-b- to beep on timeout) -T : print timestamp with each reply -D : print datestamp with each reply -l : limit the output to ping results and errors -o : limit the output to ping statistics -L : logging to a text file

fping uses raw sockets. This can be a problem for NT / 2000 / XP system users without administrator rights. Raw socket creation will fail due to a silly and useless socket protection. Fping will switch to the ICMP dll if this happens (to ping the micro$oft way). To disable this protection (and take full advantage of fping) you can do the following: a) NT4 users should change / add the following registry variable and set its value to DWORD 1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Afd\Parameters\DisableRawSecurity b) 2000 / XP users should set the following registry variable to DWORD 1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\AllowUserRawAccess

Also, if you want to change the TOS on 2000/XP systems, you need to add the following value in the registry and set it to 0: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPip\Parameters\DisableUserTOSSetting

after you change the registry, you will need to reboot. You can also run the reg file in accordance with your os.

Return Values: Reply: 0 Reply timed out: 1 Host not found: 2 Packet size exceeds MTU: 3 Too few bytes: 4 Non-echo type: 5

Send questions (and bug reports) 2

Known bugs: none

Possible future enhancements:

Revision History:

Version 3.00 (16/02/12)

Version 2.22 (12/11/08)

Version 2.21 (31/10/08)

Version 2.20 (09/04/08)

Version 2.19 (07/04/08)

Version 2.18 (07/03/08)

Version 2.17 (08/03/07)

Version 2.16 (23/08/06)

Version 2.15 (10/04/06)

Version 2.14 (05/04/06)

Version 2.13 (13/02/06)

Version 2.12 (09/06/05)

Version 2.11 (04/05/05)

Version 2.10 (23/02/05)

Version 2.09 (25/11/02)

Version 2.08 (07/11/02)

Version 2.07 (25/06/02)

Version 2.06 (12/03/02)

Version 2.05 (16/10/01)

Version 2.04 (29/08/01)

Version 2.03 (04/07/01)

Version 2.02 (03/07/01)