dexterity42 / SharedProjectTimesheetsBundle

Shared Project Timesheets Bundle - Kimai 2 Plugin
MIT License
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Permissions for non-admin users #24

Open BeckeBauer opened 2 years ago

BeckeBauer commented 2 years ago

It would be great if non admin users could use the plugin as well. I have contacted the developer of kimai and his response was as follow:

'The decision was made by the developer to hard-wire it to the Super-Admin, see eg. these lines:

While the CustomCSSBundle ships its own permissions:
And then make use of them:

With these links, it should be easy for @dexterity42 to introduce a set of permissions.'

Maybe it helps to amend the plugin?

dexterity42 commented 2 years ago

Hi @BeckeBauer, thanks for your feature request. Should be no problem to implement a set of permissions and roles.

I've thought about permissions when implementing this plugin, but for simplicity reasons I used the super admin role.

I think there should be more than one permission:

  1. View the managed shared project timesheets
  2. Create new shared project timesheets
  3. Update shared project timesheets
  4. Delete shared project timesheets

Maybe 2 + 4 can be merged into one permission.

If any of these permissions are given, the user will see the navigation/menu button.

A new role ROLE_SHARED_PROJECT_TIMESHEETS_ADMIN could be added to combine all permissions. Subsets of the permissions can be created using

Is the proposed solution sufficient for your needs? Do you agree with the permissions and roles? Any other ideas or improvements? 🙂

Edit: by default the ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN should be assigned to all the permissions as well (backward compatibility).

BeckeBauer commented 2 years ago

Sounds great 👍 Maybe, permission 2 and 3 could be merged although I am not sure what 'update' exactly does.

As regards the introduction of a new role: not sure if it were necessary if the 3(or 4) permissions can be be assigned to the existing roles (a new column for a role which is used only for the plugin might reduce the visibility of role's overview which is already not very clear - I hope I'm not missing the point here)