dexterity42 / SharedProjectTimesheetsBundle

Shared Project Timesheets Bundle - Kimai 2 Plugin
MIT License
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Shared Project Timesheets Bundle - Kimai 2 Plugin

A Kimai 2 plugin that allows you to share your project timesheets with anyone you want to grant access to.



First clone this plugin to your Kimai installation plugins directory:

cd /kimai/var/plugins/
git clone

Go back to the root of your Kimai installation and clear the cache:

cd /kimai/
bin/console cache:clear
bin/console cache:warmup

Execute database migrations:

bin/console kimai:bundle:shared-project-timesheets:install

You're done. Open up your browser and navigate to "Shared project timesheets".


Currently, there are no specific plugin permissions. The role ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN is required to manage the shared project timesheets.