dfuse-io / dfuse-eosio

dfuse for EOSIO
Apache License 2.0
202 stars 45 forks source link
blockchain data dfuse eosio streaming-search

EOSIO on StreamingFast

reference License

All dfuse.io services for EOSIO, running from your laptop or from a container, released as a single statically linked binary: dfuseeos.

See the general dfuse repository for other blockchain protocols implementations.

Getting started

If it's the first time you boot a nodeos node, please review https://developers.eos.io/welcome/latest/tutorials/bios-boot-sequence and make sure you get a grasp of what this blockchain node is capable.

The default settings of dfuseeos allow you to quickly bootstrap a working development chain by also managing the block producing node for you.


Operating System

dfuse Instrumented nodeos (deep-mind)


From a pre-built release

From source

Build requirements:


This will install the binary in your $GOPATH/bin folder (normally $HOME/go/bin). Make sure this folder is in your PATH env variable. If it's missing, take a look at TROUBLESHOOTING.md.

Note -- If you're getting yarn dependency warnings while running the yarn install && yarn build commands above, you can normally safely ignore those and move forward with the installation. If you're getting an error while installing and/or compiling, see TROUBLESHOOTING.md.

Creating a new local chain with dfuseeos

1. Initialize

Initialize a few configuration files in your working directory (dfuse.yaml, mindreader/config.ini, ...)

dfuseeos init

Answer y (yes) when being prompted for Do you want dfuse for EOSIO to run a producing node for you?. If you intend is to sync an existing chain, follow Syncing an existing chain with dfuseeos instead.

2. Boot

Optionally, you can also copy over a boot sequence to have dfuse bootstraps your chain with accounts + system contracts to have a chain ready for development in a matter of seconds:

wget -O bootseq.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dfuse-io/dfuse-eosio/develop/devel/standard/bootseq.yaml

When you're ready, boot your instance with:

dfuseeos start

A successful start will list the launching applications as well as the graphical interfaces with their relevant links:

Dashboard:        http://localhost:8081

Explorer & APIs:  http://localhost:8080
GraphiQL:         http://localhost:8080/graphiql

In this mode, two nodeos instances will now be running on your machine, a block producer node and a mindreader node, and the dfuse services should be ready in a couple seconds.

Syncing an existing chain with dfuseeos

If you chose to sync to an existing chain, only the mindreader node will launch. It may take a while for the initial sync depending on the size of the chain and the services may generate various error logs until it catches up (more options for quickly syncing with an existing chain will be proposed in upcoming releases).

You should also take a look at our Docs:


Overview - Repository Map

The glue:

The EOSIO-specific services:

dfuse Products's EOSIO-specific hooks and plugins:


See Logging


See Troubleshooting


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our Code of Conduct & processes for submitting pull requests, and CONVENTIONS.md for our coding conventions.


Apache 2.0
