dgkf / rvalhub-repo-filters-mvp

A quick demo of the R Validation Hub regulatory repositories filterable package index concept
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Filtering Available Packages Demo

This repo is a proof-of-concept to demonstrate how package quality measures can be more systematically embedded in analytic workflows.

Running the Demo

The full demo code is available in workflow.R

Kick off a new R session (in the project root as the working directory to pick up the .Rprofile settings).

We can take a look at the available packages, which will automatically apply a filter for "low risk" packages as specified in .Rprofile.

packages <- available.packages()
#> 5 "low risk" packages

Attempting to install a package with a vulnerability will abort the installation and warn of the vulnerability. Installing packages with known vulnerabilities must be opted into.

# installing a package with known vulnerabilities will abort installation
#> Security vulnerabilities found in packages to be installed.
#> To proceed with installation, re-run with `accept_vulnerabilities = TRUE`
#> ── Vulnerability overview ──
#> ℹ 1 package was scanned
#> ℹ 1 package was found in the Sonatype database
#> ℹ 1 package had known vulnerability
#> ℹ A total of 1 known vulnerability was identified
#> ℹ See https://github.com/sonatype-nexus-community/oysteR/ for details.

We can also turn off the "low risk" package filter by disabling non-default filters just to show that the package database is being appropriately subset by our metric heuristics. Now we can see that we have access to 17 packages, whereas we only had access to 5 "low risk" packages.

options(available_packages_filters = NULL)

packages <- available.packages()
#> 17 available packages

My options package has no known vulnerabilities! This is just a demo :)

Project Tour

There are a few key components to this process:

    Metrics are included in the src/contrib/PACKAGES file, which indexes packages available in a repository.

    This is the same file that available.packages() downloads from public repositories. We use a local file for demonstration purposes, but these metrics could be served on a public web server and would function identically.

    The metrics provided here are only for representative purposes.

  2. .Rprofile
    Provided these quality scores, a default filter on the available.packages() can be set. For demonstration purposes, this configuration sits in the project's .Rprofile, but such a behavior could be configured by a system administrator.

  3. workflow.R
    This simple script showcases how the metrics can be pulled from the local repository's index file and used to filter for some pre-specified risk criteria.

  4. fixtures/audit.Rds A fixed output of oysteR::audit() so that the demo is reproducible. I provided a vulnerability for one of my own packages because vulnerable packages might be fixed in the future.

Further Work