dgl / perl-Sys-Trace

Perl interface to system call tracing interfaces (strace, ktrace)
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NAME Sys::Trace - Interface to system call tracing interfaces

SYNOPSIS use Sys::Trace;

  my $trace = Sys::Trace->new(exec => [qw(ls foo)]);

  $trace->start; # Returns a PID which you can watch
  $trace->wait;  # Alternatively call this to wait on the PID

  my $result = $trace->results; # Returns a Sys::Trace::Results object

  use Cwd;
  print $result->files(getcwd . "/"); # Should show an attempt to look at "foo"
                                      # in the current directory (i.e. "ls
                                      # foo", above)

DESCRIPTION Provides a way to programmatically run or trace a program and see the system calls it makes.

This can be useful during testing as a way to ensure a particular file
is actually opened, or another hard to test interaction actually occurs.

Currently supported tracing mechanisms are strace and ktrace.

METHODS new(%args) Keys in %args can be:

*   exec: Program and arguments to execute

*   pid: PID of program to trace

Only one of exec or pid must be provided.

start Start running the trace.

wait Wait for the trace to finish

results Return a Sys::Trace::Results object populated with the results of the trace.

BUGS This does what I wanted, it is probably woefully incomplete in places.

See <http://github.com/dgl/perl-Sys-Trace>.

LICENSE This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING or Software::License::WTFPL_2 for more details.

AUTHOR David Leadbeater dgl@dgl.cx, 2010