dgourley84 / Hot-or-Not

Is it going to be hot .... or not?
MIT License
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How hot is it? And what should you wear?

This applicaiton sets out to solve the age old dilemma of what to wear today.

Provide users with clothing suggestions based on the weather in a location that they search for.

This project has been deployed to GitHub pages. To access this project click the deployement link below:


Or, download the source files to use as a template.

Getting Started

This project has been deployed to GitHub Pages. To access this project click the deployment link below. Or, download the sources files to use this as a template.


If you wish to use this as a template you will need a text editor. Visual Studio Code was used to create this project and is the recomended application.


To install this code, download the zip file, or use GitHub's guidelines to clone the repository.


This project utilises javaScript, jquery, tailwind CSS & moment.js to create a weather app that allows user to input a city in the world, and then present be presented with the following elements:

It also logs the users search into a list of cities searched so that the user is able to simply click a prior searched city and be presented with the results.

Upon opening the app the user is presented with the following landing page:



This project has the following features:

Search bar

As part of the function the user is presented with an input box in which to type a city name to search


When a search is complete it logs the item into local storage to be accessed in the below section

Previous searched cities

The user is also presented with a list of historically searched cities with the most recent search at the top:


This section access local storage gets the historical searched city and presents as a list.

What to wear today and what to wear tomorrow

The results of the searched city are presented in these sections. It presents the conditions as well as images of suggested outfits.




In order to create the above features the code performs as follows:


Upon clicking "search" in the city button the following happens:

  1. Take the City name value and push to the display city span. This creates a header for the current weather box;
  2. Take the City name value and push into an api call in getUserChoice this is done to obtain the lat and long so that a second call can be performed with these values to get weather for today and tomorrow;
  3. Save the value to localStorage this is done so that the values can then be presented to users for previous searches
  4. Present the value as a button in the previous-list table store city name so that the search can be redone without typing in again present the historical search on side bar so that it can be selected present this in reverse order
  5. Utilises the city name to search through second api to get an image of the city to provide in the background
  6. Uses the weather conditions from the original call to search through an object array to obtain a value for three image searches to run.

If a user clicks on a previously searched city button the above functionality is performed, however the code will pull the previously searched city using the following code:


this will then replace the first API call with this previous value and recycle step 2. It will not perform steps 3 and 4 since the city will be in the list already. It will also fire the value to the images API to call the values for that.

To excute file

Open in brower and either click on a searched city item or type a city name and search.

File features



Thanks to Evan Woods and James Brown for guidence and inspiration.