1. Program FizzBuzz/FizzBuzz_main.cpp
This is the first FizzBuzz problem print 1-100, where the multiples of 3 are print out as "Fizz", multiples of 5 are print out as "Buzz", and the multiples of 3 and 5 are print out as "FizzBuzz".
2. Program FizzBuzz_generic_v2
This is the second FizzBuzz problem print 1-max_int. There are two types of input. The first one is for two divisors input, where it reads lower_divisor, upper_divisor, lower_divisor_label, and upper_divisor_label. First it check if it is the multiple of the product of lower_divisor and upper_divisor, then check if it is the multiple of upper_divisor, finally check if it is the multiple of lower_divisor. The input file format example is
max_int = 100
lower_divisor = 2
upper_divisor = 4
lower_divisor_label = Fizz
upper_divisor_label = Buzz
The product of lower_divisor and upper_divisor is 8 and it will be checked first, and then upper_divisor (4) is checked, finally lower_divisor (2) is checked.
The corresponding output will be 1, Fizz, 3, Buzz, 5, Fizz, 7, FizzBuzz, ...
Second one
The second one accept any input parameters and output the labels if the number is divisible by the given divisor. The input format for max_Int is "max_int", "()", and the divisor input format is "_divisor", "value", "()", "label", "()", or "_divisor", "label", "()", "value", "()", where "()" denotes the corresponding value or label. The input file format example is
max_int 100
_divisor value 2 label Fizz _divisor label Buzz
value 3 _divisor value 5 label Guzz#
The corresponding output will be 1, Fizz, Buzz, Fizz, Guzz, FizzBuzz, 7, Fizz, Buzz, FizzGuzz, 11, FizzBuzz, 13, Fizz, ... , 29, FizzBuzzGuzz, ...