dguglielmi-git / innovandoliving

InnovandoLiving - NextJS Ecommerce - Official Website
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Backend Migration - Forgot Password is not working #48

Closed dguglielmi-git closed 1 year ago

dguglielmi-git commented 1 year ago

When clicking on Forgot password in the login modal, nothing is happening.

The call to resetPasswordApi is disabled since it is calling to the Strapi backend and it has to be deactivated until we replace the functionality for the one that works with the cloud function backend.

dguglielmi-git commented 1 year ago

This is not a bug, since we changed from Strapi to a Cloud function backend, we lost this functionality, so it is required to create a new one to fulfill this need. This work will be done in future tickets for both the backend and front-end.