dguglielmi-git / innovandoliving

InnovandoLiving - NextJS Ecommerce - Official Website
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InnovandoLiving Front-End - (e-Commerce Website)

This is an eCommerce project for InnovandoLiving business in Argentina. InnovandoLiving is a Furniture seller and Armchair manufacturer pretty famous in Buenos Aires.



Have a look at 'Deploy' section to proceed with its deploy.

Pre-requisites 📋

If you don't find the "next.config.js" file inside the project, please create it with the following content:

module.exports = { distDir: "build", };

Deploy 📦

If all pre-requisites are successfully fulfilled, run the following commands inside your project's console: 'yarn export'

Deploy on Netlify: Drag and drop the 'out' folder inside your Netlify account for deploying this solution. Once you finish with this, you will have online your site.

After deploy it, go to 'Site Settings' -> 'Build & deploy' -> 'Environment' -> 'Environment variables' and set the following variables with your values. [NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPS_API_KEY] && [NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_TOKEN]

Examples: NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPS_API_KEY=OUsaSyUFOSHjUdAa44XYzxcCONSXaCgkkdkLuz1 NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_TOKEN=pk_test_51Ix2UOC5rKZURZ3Y6Z6GmYioksibjpEWgJdSRFnws9543f0MSiIUYghdepZ6bBqI23jWE3xKich5u6TSSOI9u47qKi22lQ5e3jh8

Built with 🛠️

Version 📌

We used SemVer for versioning. Check out the whole version list available tagsRepo.

Author ✒️

License 📄

No license required.

Thanks 🎁

⌨️ with ❤️ by dguglielmi-git 😊