dguise / cgj2018

Top down twin stick rogue-like
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Re-evaluate game design #29

Open maakep opened 6 years ago

maakep commented 6 years ago

Should we continue with this concept? Switch it up?

My suggestion is to go for an easier graphical theme, so that anyone can contribute, or at least create decent/usable placeholders.

For this, 4 or 8 direction animations is kind of hard, but it looks so much better that it might just be worth it.

Should we still have our grid -> boss in the middle game/level design? My suggestion is creating a bigger emphasis on bosses. The other creatures are mostly just a smaller grind until getting to the bosses, which should be epic.

I was also thinking about perhaps creating entire floors manually. For example in Tiled, then generating those levels in Unity, spawning units/doors/etc where certain indicators are placed. This can more interesting level design.

Or perhaps just a cooler procedural dungeon generation?

It'd be cool to have some kind of story line / red line to follow, a "why" to the things you're doing. Perhaps some objective to do apart from hackin' n slashin'?

theyuppi commented 6 years ago

Maybe pyramids suddently appeared all over the world and that way we can have themed pyramids... One in Tokyo beeing modern and hightech and one in America with an elephant boss.

Cooler pcg if we have anyone willing to tackle it. It gives way more dynamic experience