dgyoo / pa3

Recent image representation as PA3 of the computer vision class.
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(NEW) About the due date.

TA strongly recommend you to completely finish all items in this PA even after the due date. Higher grade will be given to a completed PA after the due date than an incomplete PA. I will accept submissions until 20 Dec, but will give you a penalty.

(NEW) A leader board is opened!

Please report your scores on this leader board to share the results. I thank Yukyung Choi, RCV Lab. for making this board.

PA3) Image Representations with a Pre-trained Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

We have three tasks in PA3 including 1) image representations, 2) their applications, and 3) a report. You can finish most of implementations by filling all functions located in “/fillfun” directory if you use the provided skeleton code. The image database for this PA is [MIT Scene 67 dataset] (http://web.mit.edu/torralba/www/indoor.html) which is composed of 67 scene categories. A lecture about detailed explanation will be provided next week.

Task 1. Image representations.

First, represent images by the three following ways, given a pre-trained CNN.

Task 2. Applications.

Conduct the four following experiments.

Task 3. Report.

The report MUST contain the following items and their discussion/analysis/comparison. Explanation of your understanding of each method is not necessary but deep discussion/analysis/comparison about the results will be dominant for your grade.

About programming languages and deep learning toolkits.

Any kind of languages or deep learning toolkits is available. However, it would be the most efficient choice for you to use the provided skeleton codes combined with MatConvNet to successfully finish this PA.

Pre-trained CNN.

In this PA, you must use the pre-trained CNN of VGG-M model which is pre-trained over the ILSVRC2012 dataset only. This pre-trained network is available in online if you use MatConvNet or Caffe.

Using GPU.

If you have a graphic-card which is higher than GTX580 series (e.g. GTX 7xx, GTX TATAN Black, GTX TATAN X, ...), you can significantly boost the feed-forwarding speed for this PA. If you are not equipped with GPU, I highly recommend you to start this PA soon because the processing time with CPU will take long.

Using skeleton code.

Getting started with skeleton code.

Utilize our open discussion channel.

You can utilize "Issues" board as a site for an open discussion, like Stack Overflow. Do not feel embarrassed to ask! If you have any questions regarding the PA, post in this board. Others, who can give a tip to the questions, reply to the questions. There is no limitation on the discussion subjects.


Tentative due date is December 4, 2015. Submit your PA3 to dgyoo@rcv.kaist.ac.kr with the following attachments.