dh-edu-token-defi / hos

Baal Higher Order Summoner + Shaman contracts for fair token launch
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link


Intent: Playground to experiment with different summoner, token and shaman configurations

It uses a HOS (Higher Order Summoner) that wraps our indexed summoners from the baal repo

Initial tests are configured and examples of using the base summoner or the baal and vault summoner.

HOS (Higher Order Summoner):

BaseHOS: Abstract that handles summonBaalFromReferrer which takes encoded bytes to setup tokens (loot/shares) and multiple shamans.

FixedLootHOS: summoner is an example of deploying a baal, side vault, a custom token (Fixed loot)

OnboarderHOS: Summoner is an example of using the base sumoner (no side vault) and deploying a standard loot/shares token with a example of a simple onboarding shaman (eth to shares or loot)

initial examples


Shaman init params encoding:

const initializationShamanParams = abiCoder.encode(
  ["address[]", "uint256[]", "bytes[]"],
  [shamanConfig.singletonAddress, shamanConfig.permissions, shamanConfig.setupParams],

ClaimShaman: a claim shaman that allows NFT holders to claim shares/loot to a ERC6551 TBA (Token Bound Account)

(address _nftAddress, address _registry, address _tbaImp, uint256 _lootPerNft, uint256 _sharesPerNft) = abi
            .decode(_initParams, (address, address, address, uint256, uint256));

OnboarderShaman: yeet Eth for shares or loot

(uint256 _expiry, uint256 _multiply, uint256 _minTribute, bool _isShares) = abi.decode(
            (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool)

Community Veto: Loot holders "stake" against a proposal while in voting, if it hits some threshold it can be cancelled. Kinda a less nuclear rq option. Uses the governor loot token.

uint256 _thresholdPercent = abi.decode(_initParams, (uint256));


token init parameters encoding:

const sharesParams = abiCoder.encode(["string", "string"], [sharesConfig.name, sharesConfig.symbol]);
const initializationShareTokenParams = abiCoder.encode(
  ["address", "bytes"],
  [sharesConfig.singletonAddress, sharesParams],

FixedLoot: A loot token with a fixed supply that is minted upfront between 2+ addresses

            string memory name_,
            string memory symbol_,
            address[] memory initialHolders,
            uint256[] memory initialAmounts
        ) = abi.decode(params, (string, string, address[], uint256[]));

GovernorLoot: allows snapshot to be called by baal or governor shaman


Contract Sepolia Base
YEETER_SINGLETON 0x62ff4ca410e9e58f5ce8b2ad03695ef0ad990381 0x8D60971eFf778966356c1cADD76d525E7B25cc6b
GOV_LOOT_SINGLETON 0x8a4a9e36106ee290811b89e06e2fafe913507965 0x59a7C71221d05e30b9d7981AB83f0A1700e51Af8
YEET24_SINGLETON 0xdfDbf3639497a4B3598B51F852d0c94E6d8D8934 0xA4622192a896bf559191005b23eB13d367E494ce
YEET24_SUMMONER 0x78cf150b2E684562C0510C0b699edE1DCD69b983 0x788C55D87a416F391E93a986AbB1e2b2960d0079

Development Instructions

Pre Requisites

Before being able to run any command, you need to create a .env file and set a BIP-39 compatible mnemonic as an environment variable. You can follow the example in .env.example. If you don't already have a mnemonic, you can use this website to generate one.

Then, proceed with installing dependencies:

$ pnpm install


Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:

$ pnpm compile


Compile the smart contracts and generate TypeChain bindings:

$ pnpm typechain


Run the tests with Hardhat:

$ pnpm test

Lint Solidity

Lint the Solidity code:

$ pnpm lint:sol

Lint TypeScript

Lint the TypeScript code:

$ pnpm lint:ts


Generate the code coverage report:

$ pnpm coverage

Report Gas

See the gas usage per unit test and average gas per method call:

$ REPORT_GAS=true pnpm test


Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache:

$ pnpm clean

Local Deployment

$ pnpm hardhat deploy --tags Infra,BaalSummoner,BaalAndVaultSummoner,GovernorLoot,Yeeter2,Yeet24ShamanModule,Yeet24HOS


Deploy the contracts to Hardhat Network:

$ pnpm deploy:contracts




Syntax Highlighting

If you use VSCode, you can get Solidity syntax highlighting with the hardhat-solidity extension.

Using GitPod

GitPod is an open-source developer platform for remote development.

To view the coverage report generated by pnpm coverage, just click Go Live from the status bar to turn the server on/off.

Local development with Ganache

Install Ganache

$ npm i -g ganache

Run a Development Blockchain

$ ganache -s test

The -s test passes a seed to the local chain and makes it deterministic

Make sure to set the mnemonic in your .env file to that of the instance running with Ganache.


This project is licensed under MIT.