dhairyagothi / StationGuide

Station Guide - your platform guide
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Add a back button/navigation for the contributors page #393

Open avogadroB opened 1 month ago

avogadroB commented 1 month ago

🖥️ Frontend Issue


The contributors page has no way of going back to the home page

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to the home page
  2. Click on our contributors

Expected behavior

Get a way to go back

Possible solutions

  1. make a home button available
  2. add a navigation bar like the home page

Screenshots or Video


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github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thank you for raising this issue! We'll look into it as soon as possible. Please ensure that the issue is not duplicate, and you read [CONTRIBUTING.md]() carefully. Your contributions are highly appreciated! 😊