dhairyagothi / StationGuide

Station Guide - your platform guide
MIT License
8 stars 6 forks source link
express mapbox nodejs rasa reactjs tailwindcss


Typing SVG welcome to repository of Station Guide

Using Station Guide

This project utilizes React for the frontend and Express for the backend, providing a robust foundation for your web application development.


To get started, you'll need the following:

Getting Started

1. Clone the Repository

Understanding Cloning:

Cloning creates a local copy of the project on your computer, allowing you to work on it independently. This local copy is a mirror image of the original repository on GitHub or similar platforms.

Use Git to clone this repository into your local development environment:

git clone https://github.com/dhairyagothi/StationGuide.git

After Cloning You will see this interface in your system :


3. Running the Development Server


This will typically launch the React application on http://localhost:3000 (or the specified port) in your browser.


Start the backend development server (typically using nodemon server.js or a similar command):

npm run start

Project Structure

├── frontend/
│   ├── src/  # React application source code
│   ├── public/  # Static assets for the frontend (e.g., images, fonts)
│   ├── package.json  # Frontend dependencies
│   └── ...  # Other frontend-related files (e.g., configuration files)
├── backend/
│   ├── server.js  # Express server entry point
│   ├── models/  # Data model definitions (optional)
│   ├── routes/  # API endpoints definitions
│   ├── config/  # Configuration files (e.g., database connection)
│   ├── package.json  # Backend dependencies
│   └── ...  # Other backend-related files (e.g., middleware)
├── .env  # Environment variables for sensitive information (optional)
├── using.md  # This file
└── ...  # Other project configuration files (e.g., .gitignore)

Contributors ✨

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project!

<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=dhairyagothi/StationGuide" alt="Contributors" />