dhampik / rails-admin-scaffold

Rails generator which allows to scaffold admin controllers, views with proper (non-namespaced) models, helpers, tests and routes
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Rails 4 generator which allows to scaffold admin controllers, views with proper (non-namespaced) models, helpers, tests and routes

How to use

How to customize your generator templates

Put the '_form.html.erb.erb', 'edit.html.erb.erb', 'index.html.erb.erb', 'new.html.erb.erb', 'show.html.erb.erb' into '/lib/templates/admin/scaffold_controller/views/erb/'

Then the generator will use those templates to generate scaffold.

How to customize your prefix name

Type your command with option --prefix_name=xxxx.

If you want change the prefix name 'admin' to 'manager' for example you can do something like this:

bin/rails g admin:scaffold_controller Post title:string content:text published:boolean --prefix_name=manager

This will generate class Manager::PostsController < ApplicationController

How to customize your parent controller

If you want all your Admin controllers to inherit from another controller like AdminController you can specify the --parent_controller option:

bin/rails g admin:scaffold_controller Post title:string content:text published:boolean --parent_controller=admin

This will generate class Admin::PostsController < AdminController

How to generate bootstrap-friendly views

If you want to generate bootstrap friendly views, use the --bootstrap option (-b for short)

bin/rails g admin:scaffold_controller Post title:string content:text published:boolean --bootstrap

