dharmab / a3tangohunt

ArmA 3 Tango Hunt
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ArmA 3: Tango Hunt

Tango Hunt is a procedurally generated scenario. The objective is for the players to clear an area of enemies. Random elements ensure that no two playthroughs are the same. Website, source code, PBO files, documentation and bug tracker at https://github.com/dharmab/a3tangohunt


Building from source

Place the a3tangohunt.altis folder folder in your ArmA 3 missions folder. Open the mission in the ArmA 3 mission editor and export the mission to multiplayer missions. You can then use the mission in LAN or Internet hosted or dedicated servers.

Tip: You can symlink the directory from a Git repository so that changes made in the editor are synchronized to git automatically:

New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "C:\Users\someuser\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Some Profile\missions\a3tangohunt.altis" -Value "C:\Users\someuser\Documents\git\a3tangohunt\a3tangohunt.altis

Steam Workshop

You can find the latest stable release on Steam Workshop here


This mission uses components from F3. All other scripts in this mission are released into the public domain, so feel free to use and modify them in your own missions. I place no restriction on use of these scripts. I request that you mention and link to the GitHub page if possible, but this is not required. See LICENSE for more information.