dheera / ros-imu-bno055

ROS package for the BNO055 IMU via I2C
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ROS1/ROS2 C++ driver for Bosch BNO055 IMU (I2C)

This is a light weight, C++ ROS node for the BNO055 IMU that communicates via I2C and without any dependencies besides libi2c-dev. It is specifically targeted at using a BNO055 with NVIDIA Jetson (Xavier, Orin, etc.) platforms but should work with a Raspberry Pi 5, or in an earlier Raspberry Pi using the software I2C mode.

The BNO055 supports I2C and UART communication. This driver supports I2C only. If you are looking for a UART driver, see this driver by mdrwiega instead.

Where to buy


Install the prerequisites:

sudo apt install libi2c-dev

Copy or rename the appropriate CMakeLists file:

cp CMakeLists.ros1.txt CMakeLists.txt    # for ROS1
cp CMakeLists.ros2.txt CMakeLists.txt    # for ROS2

and then you are ready to drop this package into a catkin (ROS1) or colcon (ROS2) workspace.

How to run

rosrun imu_bno055 bno055_i2c_node        # for ROS1
ros2 run imu_bno055 bno055_i2c_node      # for ROS2


Outputs topics:

Service calls:

Usage notes

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi <=4 hardware I2C does not support clock stretching. You have a few options:

NVIDIA Jetson platforms

You may need to add your user to the i2c group, e.g. sudo usermod -aG i2c nvidia. It should just work after that.